(sorry been busy) Vanessa stood inside the elevator, slightly worse for wear but otherwise unharmed. She was grateful that Acacia had thought to set the car bombs; otherwise they could have been overwhelmed by the guards. The rest of the infiltration team met up with the assault team, and as they waited inside the elevator, it seemed a bit anticlimactic and ironic in a way when the cheerful elevator tune started playing. [i]"Ah. They finally got desperate enough to hire you rejects. I was wondering who would be stupid enough to face the horsemen. No matter. I'll prepare a few... special serums for each of you. I do so love to add new creations to my collection. Why, I've just added two more not an hour ago! I believe you may know them. Captain Morgana and lieutenant Jonson" [/i] Taking a step back in momentary confusion, Vanessa barely had any time to register the words that had come on overhead, abruptly interrupting the far more pleasant music. A split second later, the doors to the elevator slid smoothly open and in stepped two unnervingly human-like creatures, save for a few alien features. Vanessa didn't have a chance to fully process what they said before two creatures ran towards them. She had hardly enough time to raise her gun before they ran so quickly that it looked like the pair had transformed into an indistinct blur and they began to attack.