[B]"Know...? Huh, good one. I'm not a big laugher, you know."[/B] Abel said with an irritated look on his face. Kuhaku brow furrowed as he looked at Abel, confused. He shook his head quietly at him in response. He wasn't joking. Bridgett spoke next, shock and concern etched on her face, [B]"Kuhaku, don't you recall? This is your partner, Gren."[/B] His eyes met Gren's and he shook his head again. He didn't know who he was. Looking back at Bridgett gesturing to her bandages, she continued. [B]"You are in the infirmary, we just went through our test and got a little beat up, but we won. We are a team here at Beacon Academy."[/B] Finishing, she suddenly left to speak to a nurse. Tiger ears swiveling, Kuhaku was able to pick up on the faint whispers. [B]"Kuhaku is finally awake, but something is wrong, is amnesia a possible result of his injuries?"[/B] Bridgett asked, questioning the nurse. The nurse sadly shook his head. [B]"His head didn't experience any trauma. None of his injuries could have affected his brain. We don't have any clue as to his unexplained seizures either. I'm sorry miss, but I'm a bit busy."[/B] The nurse then left to tend to other students who weren't as fortunate with their injuries from the initiation test. As a plate of cake splattered on the floor from being dropped, Kuhaku jumped. Startled, he turned his attention back to Gren. [B]"You... You can't be serious...I..."[/B] the large Faunus took a deep breath, his expression hardening. [B]"I am Gren, Gren Orchid. You are Kuhaku Shiro. This is Beacon Academy. You are a hunter. That means you fight Grimm. We just met each other today, as well as Abel and Bridget."[/B] Gren motioned at the other two rigidly. [B]"We fought together against a giant robot. Without you... Well, things would have been... Very different..."[/B] Gren's words slowed until he fell silent. Picking up a napkin from the counter, he cleaned up the mess from the dropped cake. Afterward, he walked over to the nearest window. [B]"I'm just... Going to get some fresh air."[/B] Then using some strange ability, he opened the window and 'walked' straight out. Kuhaku couldn't help but be amazed for a short period of time. That must've been his Semblance's unique power. As Gren left, his ears dropped and his eyes stared at the sheets still covering the lower half of his body. Digesting their words, he collected his thoughts. Straining, he tried his hardest to recall any memory. Only to leave his mind aching, the last memory being his entrance into Forever Falls. Eyes sorrowful, he reached up and removed his oxygen mask. He didn't exactly need it now that he was fully conscious. Looking up at Abel, he swallowed dryly. He knew what had happened. He knew what was wrong. Mouth slightly agape, his words came slowly and methodically. [B]"I-...If all of this is true. If what you...all say truly happened..."[/B] He smacked his lips, licking them. His mouth dry. [B]"I...have to ask...D-..did I use my Semblance?"[/B] He sighed, weary. [B]"If...if I did use my Semblance, then I know...I know what's going on."[/B] He nodded absently as he exhaled. [B]"My Semblance is why I can't remember anything. My Semblance can control the information that my mind and other people's minds receive. I can alter a person's senses with that and create mental tricks and illusions. Even going so far as to tricking a person's mind into believing they can do something they can't normally. In a way, it controls the way the brain filters information. But, in return it puts a heavy strain on my own mind. The information that it receives from me using my Semblance is too much for it to handle and store. So, to stop itself from deteriorating it...'resets' itself. Shutting down my senses and body, I get these...horrible seizures. When I get 'reset'...My mind erases the excess of information."[/B] Pausing, he looked at his hands and searched their lines for...what? Placing his hands down onto his lap, he scoffed and shook his head. Chuckling, he looked up them and smiled a broken smile. [B]"My memories included..."[/B] Smiling brighter, he continued. Though his oddly bright expression seemed fractured and unnatural. [B]"Oh, don't worry. It's happened to me before. I mean, I can't even remember my parents' faces!"[/B] He laughed. [B]"Ha ha! Just think of this as a fresh start! A way for us to get to know each other again anew!"[/B] Reaching a hand out for anyone to take and shake, he maintained his distorted happy expression. [B]"It's probably been said many times already but, I'm Shiro Kuhaku! You can keep calling me Kuhaku, but just know that that's my surname. My first name is Shiro. It's nice to meet you all! I hope you can all come to rely on me as a teammate. I'm looking forward to our future together here at Beacon Academy as Blackguard!"[/B] The entire happy and bright display like something out of a freak carnival. The heart monitor still beeping consistently in time with his own heart beat.