Aruna pressed her body up against the 'tree' she was crouched behind as the Wolfen dropped back down to the giant leaves below. She didn't want to risk being seen so the smaller she made herself the better. It was hard to keep her breathing as calm and quiet as possible, making sure to watch the other closely and breath at the same moments he did to lessen the risk of his heightened hearing catching her. This would be the only way to get her mother's cloak back and the one chance to do it with out a fight. There was no way she was letting go of it and certainly not to a Wolfen if she could help it. She waited for him to move, planning on waiting till there was a good distance before following foot fall for foot fall. It was the best way to trick his hearing if he was still watching for her and if he had thought she had run away then she didn't want him to clue in that she was still there. The moon made her feel restless as she waited, never having liked the moon. The moonless nights were a gift to her as it showed off the stars and the moonlight wouldn't give her away which kept her safe. The sun was her joy, her grandmother's ways rubbing off on her over time as the Libelulanim praised the sun for it was the sun that gave them flight. That was a thought for another time though as the Wolfen placed Aruna's cloak gently in his jaws before running at full speed in the direction they had just come from. She took of after him, moving carefully to not be seen and heard but it didn't seem he would anyway. Aruna knew what someone on autopilot looked like as his movements were not quite what they were before which meant he was lost in thought. It was no long before they reached a wild twisted forest of 'trees' which made her switch to a path above since the ground would no longer be the quietest way to move. Aruna stopped as he did, dropping onto all fours as she stayed close to the 'branch' she was on. Her eyes never moved off his form as she watch him come up to a fallen 'tree' that was propped against another which would make a fine covering but what really surprised her was the hidden door. Aruna wanted to be safe though and waited a good hour before following inside, not wanting to risk the other being awake. She crawled into the tree's body, making her way through only to have a nest revealed to her. She had been prepare to find a whole pack but it seemed this Wolfen was alone which she had never seen before. Shaking the thought away, she noticed the littering of trinkets all around but none of them mattered to her as her golden eyes scanned for what was hers. Once she spotted it, she carefully looked to the Wolfen to make sure he stayed sleeping. Aruna crawled softly around the sleeping man, watching out for the trinkets scattered about in piles as she made her way to where she needed to be. The second her hands finally clutched onto the familiar cloth she teleported out of there and thought of her own temporary home. It would set her back on her trip she had planned but now she wanted to head in a different direction anyways. The second she reappeared, her legs dropped from underneath her and her breath came out in pants as she was too weak to even think of moving. She had not teleport that big of a distance in such a long time but pushing herself to the limit was the only way Aruna knew she would be safe for at least a day. She only had enough energy to curl around the red cloak as she hugged it to her chest with a soft smile.