[b]"If you think tha--" [/b]Before Cerden even got a response in or from of any of the kids, he took notice to the once destroyed machines now putting their form back together and into a much more menacing one at that. In the process of doing that, Cerden noticed blue static being present. The white-haired man wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but based on what he was seeing, he had came up with the conclusion that Nomis was still in range to be able to bend the Taint Metal Machines back together. Even more so, it seemed that there were eye-like machines leading the charge. When the newly-formed, single machine was completed in its thick form, Cerden noticed that it was solely fixated on him. Cerden expected as such since it was pretty much acting like how Nomis would react if he were present. Regardless, Cerden didn’t care if it was on him or the others. The end result would be the same. The machine would be done for good and the threat to Cerden and the teens would be non-existent. Once the machine had launched its heavy, thick frame in a spinning-like motion, almost like a spinning top, Cerden’s eyes closed and he would simply hear the giant machine coming at them with sheer ferocity. His feet would firmly stick to the ground and by way of sending pulses of energy through the ground, Cerden caused the ground to split slightly, mainly underneath the machine. On the very moment that he did that, Cerden would implement his power of earth to propel the machine upward. Even though he barely made it go up, the momentum of the machine caused it go higher via the spinning it had done. Cerden then would open his eyes and on that same instant, translucent glass surrounded his arms. He would then manipulate the earth beneath him to propel him up, to which he was above the machine. He raised both of his arms and by slicing downward, the glass extended into two long swords of glass from his wrists. The glass would then slice through machine’s thick metal, causing it to split into three separate pieces. However, just as the three pieces were about to fall, Cerden, who was still in the air, slashed nine times — horizontal, vertical, diagnal, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, horizontal, diagonal. The end result was bits and pieces of the machine dropping to the ground, causing sounds of concrete-on-metal being heard. Cerden touched ground just five seconds after the now demolished machine did, glass fading away into little shards and hitting the ground. Cerden looked to the group, recalling what the Chinese flame chick said to him. Or rather, what she pretty much yelled to him. All he did was smile at her.[b] "I'm sorry. When a machine deathtrap is coming at you so fast, it's kind of hard to keep focus on properly responding to someone."[/b] Cerden said chuckling. [b]"Anyways, I am not working with my brother or apart of the Empire. In all honesty, I despise what he has become, but that's beside the point." [/b]Cerden stopped himself from going on like a broken record. [b]"Let me introduce myself. "[/b] Cerden said approaching the group, friendly smile on his face. [b]"My name is Cerden Celebrindal, former General of The Empire and I am not an evil douchebag my like brother." [/b]Cerden said holding out his hand.