[b]Atami[/b] - 2spooky Atami heard what the lady said but didn't really respond -- other than cracking his knuckles. But he seemed to have acknowledged her point as he then extended his hand somewhat to the front, before using his pyromancy to start a very dimmed, small fire. It was enough to somewhat light up the area, enough to unveil the sudden spark of light, revealing a Reishund, right in front of them. “Yo.” he said, indifferent to the fact that this creature had just appeared before them in an almost magical manner. “I guess we should follow you. I mean, you're probably leading us into a trap, but I feel like fighting some dead people.” He turned around to face Aera, as much as she might've disliked it, the two of them were a team of sorts now. “You coming with me or are you gonna prance around in the dark.” He flashed a grin at her before his face returned to it's seemingly natural aggressive state. Atami would follow the Reishund, while keeping the flame in his hand alive. He seemed to be.. rather indifferent about the fact that he's teamed up with someone that seems to dislike him, or the fact that he's following some crazy talking Reishund around. It seems the strangeness of the whole ordeal has sunken in with Atami -- he probably wouldn't be surprised when a giant cake falls from the sky and started talking about being the sole undefeated champion of all undead creatures. On the other hand, that would be quite strange. Maybe even too strange for this situation. “Now I want cake.” Atami muttered under his breath, barely loud enough for Aera to hear.