Natsu studied the man named Weasel and put the sword back in it's sheath knowing to be watchful here. It might seem nice but it was best to be on her guard. "Ms. Natsu Hizuri, lieutenant of the Marines, Lougetown. I am here to capture two wanna be pirates for its my duty as they got away in the first place." She made a bit of a face at this as if to say: 'but really its not like they have a bounty or anything'. "One of them will be needing a new riffle and this is the best place to get one according to rumor." She said taking a comb from her jacket pocket and pulling it gently through her yellow locks of hair out of habit that had bloomed from her days being 'cared' for by her aunt. She felt all kinds of weird if she didn't take care of at least the knots first. Everything else was secondary. "Do you happen to know where I can find the gunsmith?" She asked never once taking her purple gaze off him.