Alexandra looked about the confusion and general hubbub once their purpose here had been revealed with disdain. Were they all really this stupidly ignorant? She'd known flat out coming here had been part of some SEED program, so it wasn't a surprise that it would be SEED who brought her here for whatever. But maybe they just operated differently in Japan than they did in America. Japan did have their own way of doing things after all, compared to the USA. She did have to agree with the sentiment about the little kids being here though, the hopelessly nervous one that had just entered, and the little girl hiding beneath the table. What use would they be to an elite organization dedicated to fighting Nephilim? That would just end in disaster, she was sure. Well, at least the revelation settled her worries about whether this would be a waste of time or not, since even if it was it would probably still be in some useful purpose. From what she understood overhearing conversations at high class functions involving the organization, they weren't ones for massive bureaucracy and red tape, so what happened next would be at least a little bit important. She let out an audible sigh, resisting the urge to play with her hair a bit in exasperation. "What, didn't any of you read the forms when you signed up," she asked in return to the girl who had asked why they were here. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I signed up to be a member of an elite organization dedicated to protecting the world should it ever be in danger again. Maybe you should read the fine print before you sign up for something you're obviously not qualified for." Finishing with haughty disdain at the cluelessness of everyone involved here besides her, she looked to the two people here from SEED, the man with the odd arms, and the woman who was apparently going to be their chauffeur. "Well, I'm ready to go," she told them, just as eager to get to the important bits as she was to get away from the stupid people. This was what she got for assuming commoners had brains they could actually use.