"Right, Now you've all got to get down from here!" Chuckled Incarail. teasing them all a little. "Incarail! don't scare them!" Snapped Aion, "Are you all comfortable In your choices? Good" He said without even waiting for a response. with a flash of light the egg stand and the weapon rack disappeared. "Since we don't have to much time Lets get this started." He continued and smiled "You all might want to set your eggs down in front of you. All of those eggs have my blessing. The moment you touched them it set that in to motion" as one the eggs in their arms started to shake and rattle. After being set on the ground, the eggs started to crack and hatch, The dragons inside seemingly having already awoken and being ready to hatch. the eggs hatched very quickly. Almost exploding outwards, the dragons themselves grew at a phenomenal rate. "Aion, you said it'd only put them out the egg!" Nyx commented to the Dragon Of Time. Aion giggled "I lied! They're going to be ready to fly, fight, and even breath right away!" he said. causing Nyx just to sigh, several of the other dragon heads chuckled. Within a few seconds the plateau was filled with the massive dragons. Some larger than others, though still 2 or 3 times bigger than any of the people there at the smallest. "These are your dragons. Each of you chose an Egg. Each egg housed a specific type of dragon. it is up to you to find out what type, and what they can do" Athus explained. "Now you need to -" Once again Athus was interrupted by AVALON. [b][u]"I WILL ALSO GRANT YOU EACH A GIFT. A POWER IF YOU WILL, BE CAREFUL THOUGH, THEY HAVE REPERCUSSIONS FOR THEIR USE. GOOD LUCK. AND USE THEM WELL"[/B][/U] once again the voice was so powerful it forced even the dragons to go down on to one knee, a mountain over a small rockslide was started from it. Second time round the voice of AVALON seemed to be even stronger, echoing round everyones head and rather than just cutting out it seemed to be repeated billions of times over, in the wind, through what little animal noise they could hear, even though the sound of their own movements. There was a pause, almost as if the spirits were holding their breath, and suddenly the base of the rock plateau lit up, lines of energy skimming across it, interlinking each head in a vast and complex web. energy surging from this flooded the bodies of the friends. leaving them feeling invigorated, healed, and as if something fundamental had changed. Since no one had told them what their power was, and powers didn't outwardly manifest until used no one was aware on what their power was. "Well....now....you look lovely don't you..." Said Nyx almost as if she'd gone from 'somewhat curious' to 'infatuated' with those on the plateau in a matter moments. "Nyx don't do that. Now, you have your weapons, Your Dragons, Your Powers. Down the valley is a city. You need to-" Athus begin to explain but once again he was interrupted. This time by something else entirely. The unholy shadow that the friends had seen before in their dream seemed to form a little way from the plateau. "Leave Us!" Thundered Incarail, clearly yelling at whatever this unnerving, unnatural creature was. the air was filled with mad, sickening laughter, a evil noise that could make people retch, just by hearing it. That wasn't even considering that this formless thing had a aura of not just evil, but terrible wrongness, as if whatever it was should not, no, could not ever exist. but yet hear it was, laughing at the dragon spirits, their god, and the friends. [i]"YoU tHiNk ThAt ThIs PaThEtIC BuNcH oF cReAtUrEs FrOm ThE lAnD oF mEtAl CaN bEaT mE wHeN aVaLoN CoUlD nOt?"[/i] The creature spoke, its voice at once both horrifying and melodic, The dissonant harmonies that it produced sounded in such violation of the laws of nature itself it was not a surprise that what local wildlife their was seemed to die from merely hearing it, The dragons seemed to whine and cover their ears, trying to shut out that terrible voice of the creature that could not be. Suddenly all the friends was filled with a icy cold dread, paralyzed by the mere sight of this thing. it rushed towards them this was just like the end of the dream. that evil shadow, it would get close to them and they would wake up. Then there was a crack like thunder and it was blasted backwards, energy was once again radiating from the plateau. Cracks slowly started to form down the skull of Hypnos, the dragon spirit of dreams. "Leave us, Defiler, you can never return here, Not lest you pass through the labyrinth of nightmares." There was the sound of a almighty detonation, fragments of hot bone scythed through the group. thugh non got hit. The shadow was gone, but one of the skulls, and its plinth was missing. in its place was nothing more than a scorch mark. silence rained for what felt like an eternity. "No....that...." The soft voice of Ciron spoke up first. "shouldn't happen." "It killed...A dragon spirit...impossible." quite quickly all of the spirits were voicing their disbelief and worry. whatever that thing was, it had just killed a god - spirit, and seemingly survived.