East Essos. Finding spices had never been boring to Drazah. Despite his relative young age, he was known to be an excellent cook. But today, adventurous thoughts filled his mind while he ventured further from home than usual, almost as if something drew him closer. To his surprise, he discovered two mysterious eggs hidden in the sand. It was the first time he saw one up close but Drazah knew very well what kind of eggs these were. He took the dragon eggs with him and hurried back home. Gloria would probably be worried if he didn't return before dark. "You will never believe what I fou-." His enthusiasm was cut off early when he saw her pale and lifeless body sitting in her chair. With great doubt he approached her and held two fingers against her neck to check if she was still alive. She wasn't sleeping this time. A tear rolled over Drazah's cheek while he closed her eyes. She had become very old, Drazah knew her time had came. With overwhelming sadness, he dug a grave behind their house and buried the woman who had raised him as his own. She perhaps raised him even better than the forbidden Tyrell-Tangaryen couple could have done, if they hadn't shipped him off to Essos. Drazah stared at the eggs that he had been so eager to tell her about. No one would let him keep them. No one would keep his secret like Gloria would. He had to leave at once. Quickly he gathered some basic supplies, including the eggs, and headed for the stables. Drazah had never stolen before but he realized he would not get far without transport. He picked the horse that looked the strongest and pondered on where he should go. He looked towards the east and shook his head in fear. He looked to the west and nodded in agreement with himself. The Free Cities weren't his ideal destination but it would sure beat the alternative. Traveling west with limited supplies proved to be more difficult than Drazah had expected. His impulses had driven him to leave his home immediately but he didn't think it through. Had there been another way? No, they would take it from him, he was sure of that. While his stolen horse started to show symptoms of hunger and dehydration, Drazah realized he barely had time to grieve about Gloria. What had he been thinking, traveling to the Free Cities in one run? It became clear to him that rest for both himself and the horse was needed. While he entered Meereen to replenish energy, he noticed that it looked nothing like he expected. He had always been told about the slavery but Meereen had a strange 'free' feeling. It made him smile while he searched for food and a place to spend the night.