Analise had her nose buried in a letter she received that morning from one of her siblings back in Italy. It contained messages of sympathy for her husband, messages of concern for her well being, and of course; the small message at the end to send money if at all possible. [i]"Typical."[/i] Ana sneered. A poor woman with no husband was considered useless in this day and age, but because she had a bit of income to her name, she was expected to send all of it back home. "Henry, Miss Analise. We need to get to the crime scene as fast as possible, "Lord knows perhaps we find a clue to catch that devil." George's steady voice interrupted her thoughts as she looked up upon him. His cane and hat were already adorning his body, and that meant it was time for business. Folding the letter carefully she placed it into her small hand bag. She nodded, following behind the men as she walked outside and entered the coach. Her petite body fit comfortably next to Henry's; her ankles crossed delicately. "I don't want you to touch anything without permission okay? It is of importance that we see the crime scene in its original state. You know of that killer and let me tell you, he is playing with us. He might even have left a clue at the scene." A smile crossed upon her lips in the dim sunlight of the coach. Parting her lips she wanted to say a smart remark of how this wasn't their first rodeo, but she knew it wouldn't do them any good. Her crimson lips closed, pursed, as she gazed out the window whilst the coach pulled forward. George and Henry continued to converse.