As Gordon searched for supplies his cheek was pounding so hard, it felt as if someone was punching him nonstop, but he didn't mind it. He dragged a plastic bag along with him while scavenging. It had a dozen of peanut snacks and a few small water bottles in it. He thought about checking the pilots chamber. He grabbed the plastic bag and head towards the door. He reached for it with his right hand and tried to open it "Locked. Figured so." He took two steps back and dropped the plastic bag. He kicked the door with all power he got. The door swung open, "Am too old for this shit" he said while breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath, he took a deep breath and went in. One of the pilots was laying dead away from his seat, while the other seemed okay to Gordon. There was blood on his neck but no wounds or cuts that Gordon could see. "Sir are you okay?...sir?" The pilot didn't answer back. Gordon looked at the other pilot and sighed, he hoped that the other pilot isn't dead just unconscious. He took his attention back at the other pilot and walked towards him, when he was half way through he reached for his shoulder, when he reached him Gordon leaned forward to see that the pilot was dead. His face was distorted with small glass shards from the windshield, his left arm was nearly disconnected from his body by a big metal shard. Gordon sighed heavily while he went out of the chamber, he grabbed the plastic bag on the way out. He kicked a small bottle when he nearly exited the plane, it was a painkiller, he grabbed it and smiled in satisfaction. He threw it in the bag and went out of the plane. When he reached Presley he took out a hand full of snacks and a water bottle and lay them beside her. "How us your leg now? Am going to go and see the others, they're probably hungry." .