Agreed. I mean, they'll unify in one form or another, but they have the same idea, is what is interesting. I mean, the three at the moment even might splinter, if one of the personalities decides to say "Fuck it" and walk off to do something autonomously. I like Van Ryneveld being an alternative to Magnus- perhaps it turns out unexpectedly, Ryneveld is the man on the outside of the country that will get Magnus any external (ie. international or even crime-based contracts to hand out, or the source of specialized equipment such as advanced optics, camouflaged clothing and other militaria, if that could potentially work (also, how are you so good with Dutch/Afrikaans names? That is specialist knowledge that sounds awesome right there, I just want to hear Sarah swear now and the image of "fooking niggers" will be complete in my head about a slightly racist mercenary (I know of course, this actually fits the character profile, and we all derpity derp, know this). We don't want to flat out murder each other's characters groupings, but in a way, I feel that when they find out, things will get heated and things might change the whole status quo- and Big will exploit that, no doubt.