+ 2spooky - @Zaria + If Zaria continued to follow the voices she would collide with Atami and Aera's group, but she was not alone. A small Sparwire, not with the same control as the other 'Natrelmon' that lead some of the other groups, but it clearly was not aggressive towards her. It was encouraging her to follow it, to ensure that she met up with at least one of the groups, if she managed to miss colliding with Atami and Aera. --- + 2spooky - @Atami/Aera + Aera and Atami's Reishund explained as they spoke, "I am capable of interacting with the body, but utilization of the knowledge it has is not within my scope from this side of my prison. That is where your role is to come into play. The good doctor had uncovered a key piece to freeing me before he was killed. The notes were burned, but the body keeps many secrets even in death, secrets I can access, but cannot use..." The voice was much smoother, with significant pleasure that the two were at least participating this far. The Reishund paused for a moment at one of the corridors, the ears on it pricking upwards as it caught the sounds of Zaria coming down the hallway. Once they met up, Reishund would take them to the morgue where they would wait a moment for others that may be willing to assist. However, Reishund knew they couldn't wait long, as the powers fueling this endeavor were finite. They would have to move efficiently and effectively from the morgue in order to accomplish what was needed in time. --- + 2spooky - @Kasumi/Caelyn + The Yata-Garasu picked up on the pranks immediately, "Please we must hurry. There isn't time to play around." The voice reflected the urgency it was expressing, "I cannot maintain my influence forever and we must get to the body of Dr. Imin. If we don't in time, all of this will have been pointless." While it would not comment more directly on its displeasure, since it didn't want to risk alienating either of them, it was moving faster in an effort to make a pace where they would struggle to mess with each other much to keep up. It would lead them directly to the morgue where his body was held. Then the next stage could begin and freedom from imprisonment would be a step closer. A freedom long sought after. "Only a bit further and we will be there," the Yata-Garasu encouraged, gleeful as they followed it.