"The next time you touch me, you'll lose a hand." Kasumi commeted as Caelyn went to touch her damn-fine booty, having been telepathically informed by her Mythari that he was going to attempt such an act of debauchery, but she did not prevent him from fondling her. She could appreciate the fact that he appreciated that her buttocks were among the best he'd ever feel. There was no point in having the goods if she couldn't taunt people with them, after all! The little patch of ice was nothing that she couldn't handle - part of achieving relative martial mastery and having completed years of endurance training meant that her stride was very difficult to break, and though she certainly noticed the ice, it was nothing that her feet couldn't bypass without even showing a hint of having known it was there. "I apologise for Caelyn's barbaric behaviour." She added, a hint of seriousness creeping into her voice as she focused more fully on the task. Noticing that the Yata-Garasu had indicated that there might be a time limit in play, she sped herself up, before quickly breaking out into a sprint. As a Touhou, it was Kasumi's namesake to be extremely fast, and she shouted back to the Yata-Garasu that she had inevitably just overtaken. "I'm a Touhou. It's our namesake to be fast. You lead me to the morgue, and I'll get you to that body - and I'll kill anyone who tries to stop me. Sound good?" She called out, obviously quite enthralled with the entire situation. It had been very interesting since the very beginning, but now she had gotten a taste of a tangible reward for her assistance and the tumblers had locked into place. She was more than eager to learn whatever ancient secrets the trapped being had to offer, especially if those secrets pertained to new magic or to long-lost treasure.