[img]http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQeXQWAX1zRbcvMn7mLqJpQYYxowVuNPj4n_ux-g9ojvkr3bPE8[/img] (You can't see it, but she has a scar running down the left side of her face from eyebrow to chin. It twists her.features into a permanent, ugly scowl) Name: Acantha Reyas Age: 29 Gender: Female Race: Human Personality: Very serious. She doesn't have much of a sense of humor and doesn't care for anyone but Juno, for whom she displays her affection in a rather odd sort of way. She's typically cool, if not snappish, and incredibly introverted; however, should a situation require,she can be very friendly and open. But it is not how she perfers behaving. History: She was nine when the local doctor in the little town.she was born in went raving mad. Took to toying with people, he did; cutting them open and taking them apart to see how they ticked and putting them all back together again in what was not necessarily the right order. Acantha had been one of his victims- he was especially fascinated with small girls -and it had also been where she met Juno, who had been eight at the time. The two were very close after it all ended.They had been lucky to survive. They grew up after that with people tiptoeing around them so as to not bother the poor, damaged little children, which they eventually got pretty damn sick of by the time they were adults. So they left. The two now work for the king as members of his- and his family's -personal guard. Crush/relationship: Acantha and Juno have entertained a casual romance since they were in their teens. Other: Acantha is not fond of animals, nor is she fond of elves. She's always been incredibly gifted with a sword and will not hesitate to use it if she deems it necessary. So she's typically equipped to the teeth with one weapon or another. [img]http://www.animemay.com/thumbnails/cover/20121101/blue%20eyes%20long%20hair%20shirts%20coffeekizoku%20simple%20background%20anime%20girls%20faces%20looking%20back%20black%20hair_www.animemay.com_98.jpg[/img] Name: Juno Age: 28 Gender: Female Race: Human Personality: Carries a certain air of sarcastic cheerfulness. She's quick to make a joke and tease the king when he's not within earshot, but she's very loyal. Juno is bright, sociable, and incredibly extroverted, also very comfortable in her appearance despite the scars and not at all afraid to speak her mind. History: See Acantha's sheet Crush/relationships: She and Acantha have entertained a casual romance since they were in her teens, and even though she doesn't take the relationship too seriously she cares very much about her girlfriend Other: Juno is massively skilled in hand to hand combat as well as gifted with a sword. She doesn't mind elves, even if she doesn't like them either, and she's allergic to any animal with fur. She's always equipped to the teeth with one weapon or another.