+ 2spooky - @Kasumi/Caelyn + The Yata-Garasu pushed the door open, had been already ajar, likely from someone who had fled the chaos earlier that evening. On one of the cold steel slabs was the covered body of Dr. Imin. "We are here, but I am going to wait for others. In the meantime, we can prepare," the bird spoke, poking one of the other bodies on the slab next to Dr. Imin with it's beak. Blood slowly began to pool beneath the body, which the Yata-Garasu dipped it's beak into before drawing a large square on the wall near the door. Quickly and efficiently, it began to draw a series of intricate patterns. "I'm sorry for the morbid nature," the bird said after it finished, "But there was no alternative." The square was filled in with ornate patterns that linked together with the square. It was some kind of spell matrix, but it would be alien to them - vastly different from the modern ritual constructs of Atren society. The requirements would also ensure that this spell would be difficult, if not impossible, to reproduce. "When the others arrive, I shall open the portal to where we must go next. I will need your assistance in opening it, as well as carting the body of Dr. Imin through. The more people we have, the more stable the matrix, which will also allow us to ensure there will actually be a return trip for you immediately. I am not sure in what state I will be when removed from my imprisonment so the extent of what I can do may be less than the original scope of my powers. You shall, however, be rewarded, I will ensure that. If you could push the cart in front of the matrix, we can then wait for the rest. Just be careful with the body." "Before we proceed further," the bird continued, "Do you have any questions? This can't have not raised any. We have some time while we wait before we can activate the gate." The Yata-Garasu watched them intently while it waited for both the query from the trainers it had lead here and the likely allies they would have.