Anrah blanched as the metallic smell hit her nose, her stomach twisting even more; this time in anticipation for nourishment. [i]'This is horrible! Who in their right mind would crave blood!'[/i] she thought with a snarl. [i]'This would be better if I had lost my humanity along with my life, and then this wouldn't bother me...'[/i] She thought back to when she first arrived and was biting her lip. She herself hadn't drawn any blood...but she knew she needed's already there so it's not like she could help whoever this blood came from...and besides...she has to survive for... [i]'Survive for Who?'[/i] She wondered. She tried thinking back but all that came to her was a dull throb that turned worse the more she tried to remember until it felt as though there were drums beating in her head. She looked up at the bowls of blood and the throb ebbed away slightly as she contemplated taking a cup and filling it with the crimson life. She stood slowly, using the wall for support until she had brought herself up to her full height. She pushed off of the wall and made her way passed De Winters. She stopped before reaching the table and wondered at why the woman hasn't taken a seat herself. [i]'Well, she's obviously old fashioned, probably is used to seats being pulled out for her.'[/i] Anrah scoffed internally at that. A woman stuck in old ways was sure to clash with her. [i]'But I don't want to leave my back open to would be best to get her to sit...would she even sit if another woman brought the chair out for her? Is that even why she isn't sitting or am I over thinking things?...Ah, what the hell.'[/i] Anrah finished making her way to the table and pulled the open seat between Viorica and the guy she called Christof. With a swallow that seemed to take her pride with it, Anrah looked to De Winters. "Miss...De Winters..." Her stomach twisted at being so close to the blood and not consuming any. "It seems we've been a bit rude and not opened to you your spot at the table...If you do not mind another woman pulling out your chair as opposed to the two already sitting men...would you like to take a seat?" Anrah was disgusted with herself but the faster De Winters sat, the faster she could sit and sate this craving.