Before she knew it, she was surrounded by new students, a thought that didn't sit well with her. Her steady eyes watched them from the corners and observed them as they past with no regard for what she was doing. Two seemed more interested in eating that others, especially the man that sat next to him with the [i]friends forever[/i] feel. As concerning as his confidence was, she was more focused on the faunus, who was unfortunate enough to be born into this word half cat; Ash hated cats. Just as it looked like she would have to engage a crowd the man rose, forfeiting his meal for a bit of privacy, or so she assumed. He stood up and walked past he with the grace of an ally dog and spew the attitude of one as he passed her. She froze for a second, unknowing of the right way to go as he target escaped. One look was what she spared the new arrivals, tucking her her shirt over the scarves that wrapped her wrists like bandages and then flipping fall over her shoulder with attitude as she turn for the chase. "Hey," she yelled, half waving her while pacing close to him. She got within arms length and lingered just outside his reach. "I wasn't done questioning you."