Nodding as soon as the Yata-Garasu gave its instructions, Kasumi pushed the trolley containing the deceased doctor's body to the location that the Yata-Garasu had asked her to. The nature of the morbid task was not something that Kasumi had particularly noticed, in all honesty - having fought in the war as an assassin, she had performed a great number of questionable deeds, and sometimes her kills had sided more towards the vicious side than towards the efficient and painless side. It was something that most people in the war had either gotten accustomed to, or had suffered for through PTSD. It was just the nature of warfare, Kasumi supposed, and even though the war had been brief she had learned and lost an awful lot in its duration. As a member of a high noble family, the call to war had sought her out rather quickly, and it had been her familial duty to respond. "I do have a few questions, if you don't mind," Kasumi started, striding forwards and sitting on the end of one of the unoccupied trollies in the room. "What exactly are you? I've done my fair share of reading, and I've never come across anything like your power. Not that it really matters at this point - I have the utmost confidence that you can pull through on that reward - I'm just curious." Kasumi asked, picking one of her nails with the tip of her knife as she did so. While it wasn't an inherently threatening gesture, it was quite the sombering reminder that Kasumi was extremely skilled with a knife and more than willing to kill. "Oh, Caelyn. I expect you to go down on me for so long that you have to make like an Armkfish and evolve gills." She smirked, turning her gaze towards him with a wry smile on her face. It was quite easy to get Caelyn to blush - as she'd found out earlier - and that was sure to set his face off into a rush of crimson.