Lucio jumped when a female voice sounded next to him. He high on adrenaline at the moment and ready to fight again at a moment's notice. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Emilia, the healer who had given them the potion before. He grinned at her while wiping his blades off on one of the bodies. "A bard does have to know how to defend himself. We do travel alone." That was kind of a lie, most bards traveled with other people. Whether adventuring parties in need of entertainment, other bards, hired help. Whatever it may be. Lucio just had a very different upbringing than most of his kind. The healer offered to take care of the arrow. And while Lucio wasn't looking forward to it, it did need to be done at some point. He took on a expression that looked much like that of a wounded puppy. "Yes, please take care of the arrow." He sheathed his now clean weapons, keeping an eye out for any more warriors. But it seemed that everybody had their battles under control. Lucio silently hoped that all their battles went this smoothly, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. They were going to run into trouble at some point. It wouldn't be an adventure without it. "You're Emilia right? I'm Lucio, as you already know, I'm a bard. So if you ever feel the need to hear some music, just let me know." He introduced himself, but left out the usual exaggerated bow, there was still a battle going on. Taking one arrow was bad enough, he didn't need more because he stopped paying attention.