+ 2spooky - @Kasumi/Caelyn + "Well, I have other Natrelmon out to bring others to assist. I couldn't be certain you two would be as willing to help as you were," the Yata-Garasu explained, answering Caelyn first, his head cocking in bird like inquisition. "The seal that locks me within my prison is ancient and not easily broken. The more power we have to draw on, the more likely I am to ensure that the seal is shattered and I am free of this wrongful imprisonment." Kasumi's question merited a more thoughtful response, which is why it had been chosen to respond to second. "What I am is difficult to explain, as I am not from your time, or likely from a time where you could understand. I would be akin to the Natrelmon of your legends. We share the same basis of power, but mine was deemed unworthy by a corrupt judge. I worry even now that she may try to stop me from once again feeling the earth beneath my feet. When you have felt nothingness for thousands of years, you begin to miss the simple things in life." The Yata-Garasu flapped it's wings excitedly, "The final steps begin! I must ask you each to place a palm on the edge of the matrix I have drawn on the wall with a fresh cut on your hand. Your blood must touch the blood on the matrix. Then take your other palm and link it with the other's - you do not need to have a cut on this one. It will open a portal to where we must take the body. When you arrive, lay the body on the sand. I cannot pass through the gate, so this will likely be where this form of mine leaves you."