I am looking for someone who would like to create a story with me. Here are different pairings I'm interested in. By the way I only play girls but I can double. Thank you and here we go! VampirexHuman VampirexVampire VampirexWerewolf WerewolfxWerewolf PrincessxPeasant PrincexPeasant AngelxDemon AngelxHuman DemonxHuman MurderedxVictim StalkerxStalkee KidnapperxVictim Teen Pregnancy Doctor Who Teen Wolf Vampire Diaries The Originals Sherlock If you have any ideas of your own let me know! And I am perfectly comfortable with Mature themes. Prefer it actually. BUT, if you don't want that then we don't have to. Thank you for your time and PM me if your interested in anything above.