[img=http://imados.fr/content/4/9/0/594909/Alexandra-Stan-png.png] Name: Haley Ryan Age: 21 Status: Ghost Background: Haley was the first victim of the Campus Killer, a serial killer who is still at large today. Before her death, Haley’s life consisted of parties, sex, drugs and constant texting on her cell phone. Having a full and fun social life was more important than getting up in the morning for her college classes, but each year she managed to pass by doing the minimum amount of work. Of course, flirting with her professors and doing a little bit of “extra credit” always helped. Behind her outward appearance, a pretty, fun girl who just liked to have a good time, lurked an unstable, needy and paranoid individual. Haley doesn't deal with rejection well, and she had the tendency to become obsessed with things—songs, details, people. Now that she's stuck in [i]the[/i] house forever, these less than desirable qualities have only gotten worse. Although, she's incredibly manipulative and is able to fool most outsiders. -- [img=http://i1.cdnds.net/11/28/550w_birthdays_18july_chace_crawford.jpg] Name: Travis Cary Age: 25 Status: Ghost Background: Travis was a local electrician who was doing some re-wiring on the house after the last owners up and left the place in the middle of the night. The job was routine and although the house made him feel uneasy, Travis hadn't thought that anything would go wrong. He was naive, and terribly wrong when he ended up falling from a ladder and breaking his neck on the way down to the floor. Seeing his body lying there motionless in the foyer was surreal and Travis still hasn't fully adjusted to being dead. In life, he was a happy young man with a girlfriend, a house and everything going for him. In death, he's a shell of who he used to be and longs for human contact. He's often one of the first ghosts to show themselves when the house inherits new owners. Additionally, he's also the first one out the door on Halloween and loves to walk among the living for those few fleeting hours. He is grudgingly close with Haley, although she never told him that she was the one who pushed him off the ladder in the first place. – Hope they're okay. Let me know if you'd like anything changed or added.