[b]“Oh look, the calvary is here,”[/b] Ikuu mused, when the familiar face of Fujiyama-san popped into the classroom. It WAS getting a bit boring, when his attempt to stir up a more ‘calming’ atmosphere by offering sweets was foiled by the fact that most of those girls must have been on diets or something, refusing to eat and being all ‘business-like’. What a pain. He scratched his head as the two bridge bunnies pointedly added to the enigma of the whole situation, answering the questions directed to them in a mysterious manner. But he reminded himself that Kyubey would probably fire him for ruining her crowning moment of fun, telling the girls to make a contract and become a technological girl, so…yeah, it would be bad if he lost his financial stability, wasn’t it. Peeking under the table and smiling at the young girl who hid there, munching selfishly at the box of sweets, Ikuu said, [b]“It’s time to go, kiddo.”[/b] And then, he took the box from her with minimal effort, packed up the three-layer gourmet selection of homemade foods, before walking on ahead, stepping in front of Hiroko and Kaede, before handing over the food box to them. [b]“I’ll be biking along the car, so if you don’t mind, it’d be good if you placed this in the trunk of the car or whatever, yeah?” [/b]