[img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/M_zps3c47da98.gif] [quote=Hania]"Hurry!"[/quote] Anise shifted direction when she heard the shout from the girl. Now that she could see so well in the dark she felt a bit braver now. She rushed as quickly as she could to get to them. She then was guided by the battle prayer of her homeland and found the two of them. Randold was being grappled by the vines which now seemed to be quite alive. She saw the metal platform they had been standing on had completely fallen in. She quickly acted by doing the one thing she could think to do: slam the branch she held into the vines to get them to let go. She didn't have much for strength, but she put as much of her weight as she could into the strike hoping it would do something. As she did, she began to recite the prayer herself. "All the gods, deposed and ascended, I beseech now in my time of need, Guthrun, deposed councilor, give me comfort as I ride into battle, Runa, ascended councilor, give me the knowledge I need to defeat my foe, Herleifr, deposed general, give me cunning that I might cheat death, Ragnheithr, ascended general, give me foresight to counter my foes' advance. Ethelred, deposed king, give me the courage to face my final foe, Cynefrith, ascended king, give me righteous justice if I pass to the next life. Bless me, make me holy, burn off my sins and restore my virgin soul!" By the time she had finished she was quite out of breath, although the recital of the prayer that she heard her father say so many times gave her a strange comfort that couldn't be explained in words. In this strange and dangerous forest, at least there was one person from her homeland. One person that she had responsibility for and couldn't just leave behind. "It's OK.... I'm here." She panted. Her heart pounded. She shook with fear, but she had to help them. She couldn't leave them behind again.