Image Database ---- The following are what the station looks like. [hider=Hallways Streets Corridors] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Inside Home Units] [img] [/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] ----These are the Montague Apartment Pods. They are about the size of a king sized bed surrounded by walls. Inside, the whole floor is cushioned for sleeping purposes, one wall is built to open up, were you'll find pull-out [url=]cabinets[/url] used for storing clothes, books, food, drinks, and other things. Communal bathrooms are located on each floor of the building. The Montague Apartments are available for the low cost of 10 dollars a week. [img][/img] [img][/img] ----The next pics, show what the typical home Units most people live in look like. Like a studio apartment, with a tiny bathroom. The [url=]kitchens[/url] are also compact, and most people tend to go to the closest community cafeteria, or eat out at one of the many cafes/vendors/stalls/restaurants, rather then cook at home. ---- For population control there is a law only allowing one child per-person. Married couples can have a second child, by artificial insemination. They use stored embryos from the Alpha Project. Though the second child is not biologically related, it is a way to have more then one child. Also if your first Bio-child dies before they are 16, or has some kind of chronic medical issue, you can petition to have another biological child. Anyone caught with more bio-children then allowed are put in jail, and the children are sent to the moon colony orphanage, unless there is a fit grandparent willing to take the children. ----Every home unit [url=]bathroom[/url] has a toilet/sink combo, and the whole little room doubles as a shower. Every person over the age of 6 is given a monthly allotment of shower tokens, basically enough to take ten, eight-minute showers a month. You can purchase more at the credit station, but everyone does get 10 free tokens a month along with their ration tickets. 1 token equals eight minutes of shower time. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Views of the Station City] [img] [/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Veiw of the Station from space] ----The Black sphere pictured contains the whole city. ---- The glass sphere is the oxygen forest. Even larger then the city it holds many different species of Earth flora/trees, and is home to the bee hives. ---- The bee hives are used for honey production, and wax. They are also a necessary part of the pollination process in Oxy-Forest. [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Other Places] ---- GES Club & Bar. Located on floor 69 East. Great place to gamble with high stakes. [img][/img] ----Typical College Classroom. [img][/img] ----Playtime Flea Market: Located on floor 13 north. This place doubles as a black market of sorts. Madame Opal Rooney aka [url=]Madame Grey[/url], is the owner of Playtime, and is also a “woman who knows how to get things”. She runs the black market, and is not someone to cross. [img][/img] [img][/img] ----The central elevator, It goes from the top to the bottom of the whole station, and requires Level 5 access pass to operate it. Level 5 passes are granted to government, military, engineers, and emergency services personnel such as police, or EMTs. [img][/img] ----The next three pics are of the Cryogenic Labs. Located in sector 02 - aka Science Section. As of the past ten years they have just started unfreezing people, it started as only two people a year, but now every time they want to build a colony on an unknown experimental planet they send volunteers, half the criminals in the prison, and 25 or so people from the Cyro Lab. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] ---- Power Lane. Is one of the newest clubs to pop up. It is a vapor club. Located on floor 23 north. ---- Vapors are a kind of drug, clubs can only sell/offer the legalized kind, but there is plenty of places to find a bottle or two of the strong illegal stuff (try the Playtime Market). ---- Here is a list of the following most popular Vapors offered at Power Lane (FYI the names of the vapor allude to the effect and flavor): Skinny Peach, Peppy Pineapple, Lustful Black Cherry, Peppermint Energy, Drowsy Hazelnut, Slow-mo Pumpkin pie, Coconut Almond Bliss, anti-aging Caramel corn, Chocolate Cake Comfort, Bubble Gum Soother, Mango Adrenaline, Cinnamon Downer, Vanilla Sugar cookie Cheer. Mocha Relaxation, Tobacco Nicotine, Citrus Vitimin C, Hyper Latte, Sleepy Kiwi, Sour Apple upper, Banana Rush, Creative candy, and Fat Honey. [img][/img] ---- Medical Labs and Doctor offices. Mainly all government funded medical related places are located in sector 01 - aka Hospital Section. Thought there are small clinics and such throughout the city. [img][/img] [img][/img] ---- Tappco. is located on floor 16 south. It is a tattoo, body and medical mod shop. They specialize in flash/glow tattoos, and cybernetic body modification. ---- Flash tattoos are tattoos that spin, swirl, or flash to your heart beat. They are also easily removable, you just have to take a medication called 'Peffertion" every day for a week and it was slowly fades back to your plan old skin. [img][/img] ---- Jupiter's Coffee & Tea. Located on floor 44 West. The only place you can get a authentic cup of old-earth coffee. [img][/img] ---- A typical grocery store looks something like this. Grocery stores typically sell bottles and jars of concentrated Flavor extracts, a few fresh ingredients like garlic, and honey, and they sell a ton of different drinks/snacks. ---- People are given nutrition powder when they collect their monthly rations. Nutrition powder is used as a substitute for real natural food as farming it not very easy to do in space, and the moon colony, space station five, and planet Juructia farms, can not fit the supply with demand. People can make soups, patties, mash, gelatin, pudding, cream, bread, and cheese consistency things to eat from the powder, but it taste like chalk, mixed with sawdust, so thats where the 'concentrated Flavor extracts' come in. ---- A tablespoon of extract onto serving of powder, makes it taste like what ever flavor you chose to buy at the store. Not only do the extracts come in simple ingredient flavors such as banana, butter, cheddar, ham, tomato, chocolate, or potato, so that you can mix up your own meal, but they also come in meal flavors like, beef stew, fried chicken, BBQ ribs, gumbo, tacos, seafood Alfredo, pizza, or stir-fry. [img][/img] ---- The slums aka tent city aka Crim Town aka the underground, and a whole bunch of other nicknames. Located on all of floor 3. 58 years ago the whole of Floor 3 was a thriving home ward, but it had to be closed off from the rest of the station do to mass amounts of people ill with a unknown virus. It was sealed off, and everyone stuck on floor 3 died. The place was opened a year later, bodies disposed of, and the whole floor was sanitized, walls, and everything taken out and knocked down. The Station was planning to rebuild in a few years, but the poor, jobless, and anti-government took to the empty floor to live for free in tents. It has now become a almost lawless place, but the station is trying to crack down on it by sending police bots in. [img][/img] ---- Ward Cafeterias. One is Located in each ward. [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider]