Name: Minoru Izumi Age: 18 Faction: Unbound Hearts... unofficially. Appearance: Nothing. That’s what his appearance seems to invoke. For normal people, looking at Minoru is hard enough but trying to remember what he looks like is near impossible. It isn’t for lack of trying either, it’s simply because Minoru exudes so much nothingness that the most basic interest for people is to pretend he doesn’t exist. When faced with danger, people have a tendency to reject the concept, making them the monsters under our bed and in our closets instead of something real. His natural aura isn’t darkness it isn’t even evil, it doesn’t want anything from anyone, it’s just there, an endless void. For those with strong enough hearts or open enough minds, Minoru is a relatively normal man. He stands at a willowy 6’1’’ with thin arms and a petite frame. He could very easily pass as a scarecrow if he wanted to, but otherwise he doesn’t exactly seem very dangerous. His pale-olive complexion suggests a former cheerful existence, as if something powerful was taken away from him which caused Minoru to become gaunt and almost ill. Minoru has a messy mop of black hair which became incredibly curly over time and dipped below his shoulders and covered his forehead. Atop his head, strangely enough, stood a bushel of hair sticking up like an antenna, a simple ahoge that seems to defy gravity and reason. Minoru’s dark eyes seems to be empty and lacking life, like the eyes of the recently deceased. Still, despite all of that, he’s actually quite handsome. Again, however, for normal people who cannot even perceive him, will probably find him disgusting or unattractive. He has a thin face, simple nose, and handsome smile. It’s just when he smiles it seems so fake, like a monster who learned how to smile from simply reading books, there is little mirth or happiness in it, but he grins like it’s his luckiest day ever. He has long, nimble fingers and tiny, girly wrists, he could very easily pass for a girl if you simply tie up his long hair. As for his outfit, it looks as though it was hastily put together. As if Minoru was in a rush getting dressed as he sprinted out the door, or something. He wears a simple white dress shirt with a loose red tie, like he was in the middle of work or something. Over that Minoru has on a perfectly black hoodie and a beige overcoat that stops a little below his waist. For pants, he wears black pinstripe pants and white converse sneakers that are, weirdly enough, in pristine condition. Personality: His personality is shockingly moody for someone who spends so much time smiling. Minoru is the type of person to grin despite the situation, which creates a sort of happy-go-lucky demeanor but in truth it’s a perfect lie. Minoru is a master of deception and can tell a bold-faced lie with a grin. In fact, he’s so naturally talented with lying it’s almost a magical ability. If you aren’t paying too much attention, he could say your pants have turned into flaming scorpions and you’d believe him. Along with that, Minoru has a tendency to troll the living daylights out of people by being completely random. I don’t mean random in the way where he’d contemplate whether or not turtles think but in the “I’m-going-to-break-my-own-legs-to-prove-a-point” way. It’s really hard to tell what Minoru is thinking when he says and does anything. He could be in the middle of murdering someone and remember he left his stove on! It wouldn’t be difficult to call Minoru completely psychotic but at the same time he’s really quite intelligent. Sometimes it’s difficult to see, but Minoru can be incredibly insightful and intelligent behind his psychotic moods and tendencies. He is incredibly driven, to the point where he would more than happily throw away his own life for anything he set his mind to, it could be for a loved one or for toast, it’s difficult to tell with him. Someone who knows him well would claim that his “happy-go-lucky” demeanor is a clever ruse to hide his darker moods. Minoru rarely gets angry or riled up, preferring to stick to his random moods than to allow his opponent to figure him out. Minoru is rather obstinate but reasonable despite his moods. He has a simple philosophy, “Hit last but strike hard”. In a fight he takes the hits deliberately and almost happily to both throw off his opponent and to figure out more about them. While it may seem like Minoru just throws himself at his opponents, he is also secretly gathering information to help in the fight. Minoru is the type to throw out non sequiturs to confuse people and speak cryptically about a lot of things. Minoru also puts out the appearance of a heartless guy or someone evil when in reality he cares an insane amount. Although he’s a bit silly, he is more than happy to be the bad guy for anyone if it meant helping them. Powers: [b]Reverse Fiction[/b] – Minoru has the ability to negate the fabric of reality by cosmic manipulation… So he claims. Minoru isn’t really one-hundred percent sure what this ability is or even how he got it, whether or not it truly warps reality rather than simply augments his molecular structure is completely in the air for him. All he knows is that this isn’t the true extent of his powers and knows that he’s missing something, an incredibly important piece of himself to make himself whole again. What happens with this ability is for a brief period – four seconds – Minoru is invulnerable. Whatever attacks him connects and completely registers with his biology but it simply does nothing, like glancing off his skin. To the other person it would completely feel like their punch is connecting but it does absolutely no damage. He can also reverse any damage done to him for up to four seconds. When the ability is active, the color of his eyes shift from raven-black to sky-blue, like regressing to their original color. It also has a minor cooldown and start-up time. In order to use the ability again, it takes 30 seconds to recharge and five seconds to start up once active. It probably explains his tendency to jump into attacks willy-nilly or is perhaps a minor excuse. [b]Lack of a Presence[/b]— Minoru claims that because of his incomplete nature that he has a lack of presence. Creatures tend to radiate a sort of “aura” a presence, that prickly feeling on the back of your neck that indicates you’re being watched is a result of you detecting that presence. Minoru seems to lack that almost completely, granted it isn’t by choice and consequently causes people to not want to notice him. It’s one thing to be socially rejected but to be rejected almost out of biological necessity is something else entirely. This doesn’t necessary mean he is invisible. While he may not possess a presence his rejected nature is a presence itself. Like standing near something with a powerful magnetic pull, almost as if Minoru wants to reject your presence as well. What does this ability do for him? Well it makes him harder to detect for some people. For a seasoned warrior trained in stealth, however, he wouldn’t be able to sneak up on them, and the same goes for anyone he’s been around because they’ve grown used to his presence, or lack thereof.