[img=http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/M_zps3c47da98.gif] Randold listened to Hania's prayer, the words held power and did bring some confront to him. The thing was however, the prayer was very unfamiliar to him, he had never heard it before, The names within it were strange, in reality Randold couldn't understand the higher meaning of the words, although he understood the basic meaning, a battle prayer seemed very fitting there. If he could get the chance later on Randold planned to ask the girl about this, the mystery of the woods only grew deeper as now he wondered where the others were from. Randold's sightless eyes moved upwards as he detected new movement, it was not the wolf that much he could have told. *whack* he heard the familiar sound of wood striking, the vines that encircled him shook with the force of the blow. Again the prayer was back, but this time it was not from Hania, to much of Randold's surprise it was Arise's voice. Still Randold did not understand the prayer, although listening to it again he felt the same comfort. One thing he could admit is that he found some respect for Arise, it was still clear the princess was terrified, but she came back to help. Perhaps his initial judgment of her was wrong, maybe she could make a fair ruler, he knew that Arise couldn't see him but Randold gave a supporting simile in her direction. Randold had never been a truly pious follower back home, even then he still respected his gods, he knew a few prayers himself. "Randolk, Brother of the Shield, I ask you for protection from the northern winds on my journey home. Yalmla, Patron of the Wayfarer, I ask you for guidance so I may take the right road. Ulthor, Speaker of the People, I ask you for a sound tongue so I may speak with right judgment. Althuria, Protector of the Stars, I ask you to allow the night to shine bright so I can find my way. Granoth, Master of Fates, I ask you to change my destiny so that I am fated to return. And finally, Thorton, Keeper of the Hearth, I ask you to protect the home so that my kin shall continue even if I were to fall." It was only a simple prayer for travelers, of course Randold never had use for it himself, but plenty of outsiders had passed through his village that he kept it to heart.