[quote=MacabreFox] Well hopefully it's not many severe wounds, Sevine is the group's primary medic, if Angel isn't careful in battle, Sevine will not be able to save Angel if she over-exerts herself. Serious wounds take time to heal, the most Sevine can do is quicken the healing process on severe wounds. Any minor or mild wounds she can easily heal. But obviously, I'll give her time to heal, it might not be fully, so keep that in mind. After all, you decide how they are wounded and they severity of it.But that's not important right now, what is important is your introductory post. How do you plan on introducing Angel into the group? [/quote] Mathias will helpful in prevention and the fact she's a long range fighter as well. So I'll try to control her injuries received, though can't see her getting away from (unless she's out of the way) a battle without at least a few scratches. I can't have her dying can we? As for intro, there only two ways I can actually see her coming in: either sitting there, watching it all and waiting for it to end or being one of the hostages with Mathias likely helping in the wings sort of speak until Angel's released. The only bad part is she isn't going to be very helpful in the later since she's not got her weapon and it is currently close range, increasing her chances of getting hurt.