Ohhh, I was just wondering if there was an anime thread. Looking for other Haikyuu!! fans, though it's a lame sports anime/manga so I doubt I'll find many fans, haha. But as for my favorite, FMA (manga and Brotherhood) will forever hold a special place in my heart. InuYasha was my first. I really enjoyed Kill la Kill. I just started Hellsing: Ultimate--45 minute anime is weird, though. Little Witch Academia is my favorite short by far. Michiko to Hatchin is a weirder one, but still enjoyable. Stuff i'm disappointed in would be Blue Exorcist--the ending to the anime was so anticlimatic so I need to switch to the manga. Same with Soul Eater, but I'm not a big manga reader. And Idk what we're confining or expanding the definition of "anime," to, but I'm throwing out that I really enjoy The Legend of Korra and RWBY as well even though they're made in the USA. In terms of Death Note--since it's already being discussed--I've only seen some of the anime and it wasn't really my cup of tea. Interesting, though, and a refreshing POV with an "evil" protagonist. And here's [url=http://myanimelist.net/animelist/CareBearKidd]MAL[/url], though I need to update it...