"Thank you guys!" Mayuri smiled with evident happiness as a short burst of tears flown down her cheeks. As everyone took hold of the paper doll, she went on to explain the next part of the charm. [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120721134820/corpseparty/images/3/35/The_Charm.png] "The charm is all rather easy and straightforward," Mayuri began once again, as everyone now held onto the doll firmly. "In your head, you need to chant the phrase 'Sachiko, we beg of you' for each of the people here plus once more for Sachiko. So, uh, please do that now." She explained. Mayuri then closed her eyes in silence, presumably to chant, as did Shirako. Jinta had his eyes open and was looking around, though sighed and also fell silent. After about ten or so seconds, Mayuri opened her eyes and continued. "Now, hold onto the paper doll real tight. Like, so your nails dig into it tight. We're all going to rip it apart into pieces. Once you have your doll scrap piece, hold onto it and then we'll be connected forever! I suggest putting it into your student ID folder." Mayuri smiled innocently as she explained the details. She made sure that everyone understood by looking over the group and getting them to nod in understanding. Once all was well, Mayuri started the countdown. "All right. We'll all pull on three!" "One...two..." Mayuri counted down. Everyone began to feel the paper doll tense as the pressure from all the students holding it accumulated... "Three!" Lightning flashed from the outside, illuminating all inside and even causing Jinta to jump from surprise and some much-held anticipation. The paper doll had been torn into pieces, one scrap for each person who took part, and now, as Mayuri merrily announced, the charm was finally completed. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" She asked rhetorically, putting the doll scrap into her student ID folder. "Again, make sure to put your doll scrap piece someplace safe!"