Name: Aldric Alabaster Age: 22 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance/Clothing: Aldric is somewhat tall, standing just over six feet in height. His build is sturdy, though not quite bulky. He has wide shoulders and hard muscles, giving him an appearance of considerable strength. He has a mop of reddish-brown hair that hangs nearly to his shoulders. His skin is slightly tanned, though not overly so. He has blue-grey eyes and strong facial features. His chin bears a light stubble, giving him the rugged appearance of a wanderer. He has a scar running across his left eye. Aldric wears a long coat made of a deep blue fabric. The cloth seems coarse and inexpensive, durable, but probably not the most comfortable of garments. He also wears a pair of soft leather gloves that reach just beyond his wrists. Beneath his cloak, Aldric wears a vest made of hard leather lined with chainmail. The armor provides modest protection, though it doesn't compare to the heavy plate he once wore. Beneath the vest, he wears a simple loose-fitting white shirt with numerous tears and stains throughout. His trousers are made of black fabric and he wears a pair of tough leather boots. A belt at his waist carries the sheath for his sword. A thick leather strap with a loop on it is usually strung around his chest to carry his hammer. Weapons/Belongings: Aldric's primary weapon is a large warhammer. He took a liking to the weapon's simple but effective nature when he first began his excursion into the military world. The hammer is quite hefty, requiring great physical determination to use effectively. Shaft and all, it is about four feet long. The handle of the weapon is made from oak overlaid with copper tracings of vines and leaves. The head of the weapon is roughly twice the size of a man's fist and is made of steel. One end of the head is flat, and used for bludgeoning an opponent, while the opposite end tapers into a sharp point, with it's primary use being the piercing of armor. An image of a roaring lion is engraved on the side of the head. Various scratches and dings mar the weapon's face, but the engraving has been kept in surprisingly good shape. Aldric's only other weapon is a short sword about two and a half feet in length. It has a thick double-edged blade that is kept relatively sharp. The edges bear numerous knicks and dings, as Aldric has a tendency to use it for utility as well as combat. The weapon has a hilt of oak with a simple crossguard made of tarnished copper. The pommel of the weapon is an orb of copper. Personality: Aldric is generally quite kind to those he meets, perhaps a small step in his quest for redemption. He is passionate and guided mostly by his own personal convictions, a trait that presented great difficulty for his commanders. He is a brave man, and was often known for diving into unfavorable situations with no fear about the outcome. He is strong-willed and unwavering, and rarely backs down from a challenge or argument. Despite his nature, there is a certain amount of unrest in the young man. It is obvious to anyone who has spent time with him that the young man carries a great burden, a burden that he seems to be striving to escape with all of his might. His goal seems to be to make amends for the wrongs he has committed in his life. The desire to cleanse his regrets is what drives him to keep going. History: Aldric was the youngest child of the Alabaster family. His older brother, Gideon, was always groomed for the military life, and he constantly strove to be his brothers equal. The two were not often around one another, and while Gideon was carefully groomed towards his position, Aldric joined the ranks of the Golden Empire's infantry. He became known to his commanders for his ferocity in combat, gaining him the nickname of 'Lion's Maw'. He fought hard, driven by his desire to prove himself to his family and become his brother's equal. He eventually moved his way through the military, joining the ranks of the Royal Guard, which his brother now commanded, at a young age. He had little time to celebrate his new position, however, because revolution overtook the Golden Empire shortly thereafter. As a lower-ranking member of the Guard, he was dispatched, along with some of his brothers-in-arms, to quell the fledgling rebellion before it could gain traction. He was sent to the village of Troz with the mission of finding and routing any rebels in the area. The events that followed changed the young man's life forever. He arrived with his comrades in Troz, but to his surprise, the village seemed rather ordinary, filled only with townspeople going about their business. The men set up camp in the village, seeing little in the way of rebellion. That night, however, an infantry captain that had been dispatched with them was murdered just outside of the village. The men around Aldric were enraged at the attack on one of their own, and took their vengeance on the village. Civilians were slaughtered en masse as retribution. Aldric, having fought for glory all his life, was horrified by the dishonorable conduct of the soldiers around him. Disillusioned with his position, he fled the scene, and the Golden Empire as a whole. He began traveling, seeking a way to make amends for the atrocities that had occurred in Troz.