Shroedinger stared at the picture Jason was holding. She could guess the pain he was feeling was some what similar to hers, granted she hadn't felt that pain for half a solar year now. She then looked at Jason again "There's no way anyone could have known they had a weapon like that. Command was just as shocked as anyone when that weapon fired" She put her hand onto his chin, feeling the roughness of hairs, a frown forming on her face. Her other hand raked through his hair "Come on, lets get you cleaned up, you'd never let yourself get this messy" --- Sheila giggled a little when Yelgir tried joking. She could feel that it wasn't his strong point, and didn't want to hurt him too much. "There was one thing I was hoping you could help me with. Do you think you could help me memorize the ship layout? I don't want to get lost every time I walk to the lab or to the mess hall." She looked at the frequencer "Unless you have something planned for the next few hours."