[b]Atami[/b] - 400spooky Atami followed the Reishund, but it was quite obvious something was bothering him. He seemed to be more careful, not fully trusting the Reishund, even though he was quite sure he'd be able to destroy the beast if he had to with help of Aera. The Mythari felt the unrest within Atami and started moving around on his shoulder a bit, again spying on Aera, less aggressively than before. “So what exactly is causing the dead to rise? And are we helping stop that ordeal if we help you?” Slowly the dimmed fire in his hand started to grow bigger, almost as if he Atami was making ready to attack something or someone. But at that moment, someone appeared in front of them. It was Zaria, but the only thing Atami knew of her was that she'd been there when they entered the morgue and nothing more. The flame in Atami's hand grew instantly and he made ready to toss it towards her -- it was obvious Atami was getting tired of these surprises in the dark hospital. “I'm getting bored with these surprises. Either come with us, or get out of our way.” Atami motioned for the Reishund, telling him with a quick movement of his hand pointing onwards that he was to keep moving -- Atami just wanted to go home. Atami's eyes could, however, not prevent falling upon Zaria. He looked somewhat angrily at her, but his lack of instantaneous attack was proof that he didn't feel like fighting. The girl didn't look particularily threatening in any way, either. Aera on the other hand.. he looked backwards towards Aera, and nodded his head towards the way onwards. “It doesn't matter if she's friend or foe. If she attacks us here we'll decimate her. We're with two and she's alone. Then again, she looks like she just left the fashion boutique, I doubt she's seen much combat.” He faced back towards Zaria and questioned what kind of skills she must've had to stay alive -- surely there was something. He scoffed, and raised his shoulders. “Perhaps she's intelligent. She'll help decypher the secrets. Let's just go.” He lowered his hand and extinguished the fire, dousing the area in relative darkness again and ensuring that the three humans were covered with shadows.