[hider=Character sheet][center][b][i]Ondrej Zaburdajev[/i][/b] [i]31, 1911, squad leader[/i][/center] [center][img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/356/a/9/russian_sailor_by_jdcinnyc-d6yzurk.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Full name:[/b] Ondrej Anton Zaburdajev [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Personality:[/b] Ondrej would've been the perfect political officer if it hadn't been for his love of combat -- he was invited into the political officers' brigade, but declined due to his wish to serve in the regular infantry. He was then promoted to be an officer due to his political alignment with the communists, his favorable skills in leadership, combat and sacrificial tendencies. He is brotherly outside of combat, opting to give his men rest, food, drink and a warm fire at night over a forced march. As an officer, he is not supposed to mingle with his men too much outside of combat -- however this is unavoidable during prolonged campaigns -- so he has chosen to simply accept that it happens and to embrace it. In battle, however, he expects his orders to be followed [b]down to the comma's, full stops and exclamation marks.[/b] As was said, he was invited to the political officers' brigade, which should say enough about what happens if you ignore orders. He's a firm communist, believing that revolution should bring equality all over the world. Therefore he shouts the words 'Za roduna, za Stalina!' with much pleasure, as he believes in the great leader Iosef Stalin. Therefore he believes that the liberation of German lands will only benefit the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In short: stay on Ondrej's good side. [b]Brief history:[/b] Ondrej served in the army during the assault on Poland, where the Soviets and the Germans divided the Polish lands as if it were a cake waiting to be shared. And even though he felt compassion for the Polish, he served the goals of the Soviet Union because he'd realized that the people were better off under proper, communist Soviet rule. The people in Poland weren't really being oppressed either way -- he felt he was doing them a service. During the few years of peace that he had, he spent most of his time getting accustomed to serving with a squad, as he had been appointed squad leader by now. He was taught basic squad tactics, leadership and communication. He got accustomed with a radio and has some experience communicating between a tank and himself. He got pushed back into the front and was involved in the initial defence of Leningrad, fighting amongstside heroes of the Union and common infantry alike. It appears that he was chosen to lead the initial charge on the city due to his brutal effectiveness in head on combat, fearlessness and other such things however this remains to be proven -- he can succeed or fail depending on his team. [b]Role:[/b] Squad leader -- assault. [b]Expertise:[/b] Leadership, leading from the front, fearless, assaulting and tactics. [b]Weaponry:[/b] 1x Tokarev TT-30, a handgun. 1x PPS, a (lightweight) submachine gun. 2x RG-42, fragmentation grenade. 2x RGD, smoke grenade type. [/hider] Here we are.