Caelyn noted that the Yata-Garasu was a bit more demanding each time that they had spoken. He shrugged it off though, who wouldn't be after being imprisoned for thousands of years. "Well, we have come this far together might as well see it through to the end." Caelyn smiled at Kasumi, it was genuine. This was the most fun he had had in a very long time. Even though it was crazy to be sure. "See you on the other side." Caelyn walked over and scooped up the body. Caelyn squeezed Kasumi's hand back just for assurance and then stepped through the portal. When Caelyn stepped through it was darkness, and sand? He had no clue where he was. And he was alone. So he summoned his Kyonshi, his hunter of the night. This natrelmon seemed to fit Caelyn's personality as of late. Caelyn set the body down softly in the sand and stood watch over it with Kyonshi. "Fang, go do some recon, and let me know what you find." The bat flew off into the night "Faeron, come on out." This one was he needed to feel out. But he had a feeling they would be close as well. "Well Faeron, I guess what we do now is wait."