[Center][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/dp6z4h.png[/IMG] [I][B]The Chimeric Lord of Chaos[/B][/I][/center] [center][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXcNVCxqV74]Theme[/url][/center] [center][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2009/355/a/9/Weekly_Theme__Demon_Soldier_by_Ragaru.jpg[/img][/center] Tired of hiding in the shadows, sick of waiting to strike, and driven to use this form, Szayeis walked now through Loom in that very guise. He took no time to hide his form from any who looked in his direction. He made no effort to conceal himself and so he was seen. Angels soared down, those who were too stupid to stay away, and struck at him with their blades, their spears, and their fists. As they neared his body their wings would seize and they would fall to the ground, where the lord's shadow would devour them, pulling their bodies into themselves and eating them whole. He made no effort to resist them, they simply fell before him, around him, and into him. Any humans who came too close were devoured as well. Thus, after viewing the spectacle, the angels began to actually think, so instead of attacking the lord, they cleared his path. For if they could not stop him, then perhaps they could at least minimize the casualties caused by his presence. Taking no mind to the pests whom skirted the edges of his [I]body[/I] Szayeis' mind writhed with incoherent thoughts and the sounds of many voices clamoring for control. [I]'Give it back!' 'The body is mine!' 'Usurper, you have stolen my throne, return it!' 'Stop the pain...the fear, I just want to die. Let me die...' 'Sleep, I need to sleep.'[/I] Some were more violent...unruly even. [I]'Tear them apart!' 'Weaklings, devour these inferior beings. They should not be allowed to breath the same air, share the same essence.' 'Yes, he is right, they defile this world.'[/I] His own voice remained silent, but his will was unyielding as they pressed at him from all sides, some calling him a thief, some a usurper and a traitor. Others simply wished for their own death, while even more wished for the death of others. Szayeis? He wished only for their silence...and he got it as one much older presence roused itself within him. His step faltering slightly, the demonic lord glanced to his side to see several tamer angels just waiting to strike as they shepherded humans away from him. As he turned to them they paused, telling the humans to continue away from the area. Then, the tamers readied themselves, expecting their readines to give them a chance. A harsh laugh rang through their minds as they were assaulted and all six of them toppled to their knees as a crushing malice, and devouring hunger ate at them. Their minds buckled not in minutes, not in hours, but in seconds and they fell not just to their knees, but then to their stomachs, pinned to the ground as the lord turned and walked over to them, a dark smile forming itself on his formerly faceless visage. Still, there was a great eeriness, for there were no eyes on his face so as he approached, there was no way for their breaking, shattered minds, to measure his intent. However, it was soon evident as the poor tamers entered the radius of Szayeis' body. As he approached they began to sink into his shadow, a shadow which was unnaturally large and unnaturally dark. As if it were the abyssal void itself. The angels continued to sink, weak moans and whimpers exuding from their throats as the shadows devoured them as they had their brothers and sister. In response to their essence, the lord shivered once more and the shadows writhed throughout the entirety of Loom. His voice would then make itself heard throughout as his influence became unveiled and the aura his power cast revealed itself to all. The entirety of Loom would be hit, almost by a shock wave, and enveloped by a horrifying terror, a primal fear. [B]“I pity you all,”[/B] the lord of chaos said, its multilayered tones stretching over the entirety of the city's breadth. [B]“I pity you for your ignorance and your weakness.”[/B] The lord then turned away and continued walking to his destination, his mind changed, and so the chimeric lord of chaos shifted purpose. He would not seek out Hazumi, she would seek him out. His voice rung out once more, [B]“There is an angel within these walls, her wings dark as the night sky, with a hunger eating at her mind. She will make council with me, or I will raze that which she serves to the ground.”[/B] He then fell silent, though his mind did not, and bent his knees before erupting into the air only to land on the top of a sky scraper. [I]'Kill the heathens!' 'Destroy the abominations...' 'Let the pests rot in our stomach and be devoured by our might!'[/I] [I][B][U]'Silence,'[/U][/B][/I] the power of the voice shot through him and the others fell silent, leaving only Szayeis and the old one to speak within the great chimeric mind of the demonic lord. [I][B][U]'So you have finally realized the frailty of this world.'[/U][/B][/I] Its tone was one that had experienced much and lost all care for all things that existed, be they past or present. Szayeis did not respond to it, not at first, and continued to approach the Citadel. He did not expect it to be ungaurded, but it mattered not. Seraphs and those below them were nothing to him, only the archangels stood any chance against him, but they did not face him alone. [I][B][U]'You fear me, do you not, demon? Otherwise you would not ignore my words, for such is unwise, child.'[/U][/B][/I] Szayeis twitched in response, feeling his form briefly shudder from continued exposure to the ancient presence. [B]“I fear nothing, but fear itself...and I...am-”[/B] [I][B][U]'...Fear.'[/U][/B][/I] Again he twitched and his form writhed, but he paid it little mind as he traveled through Loom, devouring everything that stood in his path as he did so. [I][B][U]'No matter how much power you attain, you cannot defeat me,'[/U][/B][/I] the voice said after a long time of silence. Szayeis made no response, simply continuing to traverse the distance. A sigh could be heard within his mind, [I][B][U]'Very well, child. You need not listen, for you will know soon the fruitlessness of your intentions,'[/U][/B][/I] a harsh laugh emanated throughout his being and it made his body briefly dematerialize, where he splattered against the top of a building after a jump. Cursing the old one, the lord of chaos quickly reformed and forced his ethereal form back into Origin state. He would not allow anymore of the being's intrusion. [B]“Begone relic, you belong in the past where you came to be,”[/B] Szayeis said aloud in an attempt to reassure himself. It was a mistake. [I][B][U]'I am eternal,'[/U][/B][/I] its voice roared in his mind, driving [I]him[/I] to [I]his[/I] knees as he had done to the angels. [I][B][U]'You are but a speck before me. Your essence is naught. Essence is naught. All is impermanent, and so shall be you...like all those before you,'[/U][/B][/I] gritting his teeth, the demon rose to his feet and his form shifted, the two armored horns moving to the sides of his head briefly to reveal the place where he should have had eyes. There were none, but they soon formed. They were not blue. Instead what burned was a fiery white and as the eyes formed a steely determination could be seen within them as they narrowed and the lord spoke, lifting himself fully to his feet. [B]“I will not be like those before me; I will not be like the rest.”[/B] Quietus. Silence again reigned in his mind, for the ancient one had recoiled from the phrase, as if it were foreign. In response, the lord smiled and the eyes melted into nothingness. They were quickly replaced again by the plates, which shifted to their natural locale before Szayeis raised his arms at his sides and then thrust them down abruptly. [B]“Let there be chaos...let there be...”[/B] the lord smiled, [B]“...death.”[/B] The city erupted into activity. Demons emerged from the shadows and buildings they'd been hiding in. Humans of tainted purpose, mages and warriors both, struck out and in moment the place would become a battleground. Yet where his pet dwelled, there was less. He would need him later, and so he would assure the vampire's survival. With this done, Szayeis moved his hand before him and pulled his shadows upwards into reality, before swiftly stepping within them. With the next step, the Citadel rose before him and a smile spread 'cross his sightless features. For chaos had fallen. [Quote=Caeriana]Eyes of glowing red, tears do fall, The lord of end and beginning tall Listen now as hell's gate splits, Melody's sorrow, Chaos blitz, ….[/Quote]