[center]Past[/center] 500 years the Kingdom known as Ardia was split in two due to the cultural and religious difference and two new Kingdoms were born, Rordia at the west of the valley and Furdia at the east. [center]Present[/center] These two kingdoms have been rivals since the beginning, always threatening each other but never went into battle until one day Furdia sent an assassin, he fulfilled his mission killing the King Darios IV of Rordia. 2 months later war started, having nothing to lose you decided to join the army of your kingdom and fight for some food and gold. [center]Map[/center] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10438133_729807827106281_8745629574933653870_n.jpg?oh=73d5b500effe7d7dba2c342e6da25123&oe=54D71810&__gda__=1424577960_38550e3cd650b5227232a7517f8bc360[/img] [hider=Rordia armor][img]http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110529005718/fallout/images/thumb/3/3c/Leather_armor.png/640px-Leather_armor.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Furdia armor][img]http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/2771324-1368500925.png[/img][/hider] [centre]Character sheet[/centre] Appearence (Any picture or description) Name: Age: Kingdom: Weapons: Info you want to add (Bio, etc): [centre]Rules[/centre] -Do not kill other's character or cutting their limbs without the player's approval. -No magic or fantasy here. -No Gunpowder -Just to make sure you saw the rules write "i will destroy them" at the end of your cs if not i will not approve you