Intreasted, consider this a placeholder [hider=Jermija Turov] [center][b]Jermjia Turov[/b][/center] [center][b]23 , 07/17/1918 , Support[/b][/center] Full name: Jermija Turov Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [picture/description or both] Jermjia stands 6’4, brown eyes and the average skin complextion as a Russian. Thick Russian accent, strong build. Growing a beard, at the moment. Personality: Jermjia overall is a calm person. He speaks when needed and understands the chain of command well. He is known to however processes a moral code, and doesn’t act on impulse. Jermjia takes his duty seriously, and also makes sure that he gives it all 110% percent, whatever the weather or the scenario. Jermjia often also tends to think things through, and plans out his way of approach. He is often known to be laid back in non-combat scenario’s, and often going for a glass of vodka or a cigar to calm himself down and relax. Brief history: Jermjia lived in a small Russian village with a population of over 300 people. Jermjia’s father Dmirti was involved in the militia. Nothing really that big, a group of 20-25 men armed with basic rifles. Most of their attacks were really on wildlife that strayed into the town, to the bandit/thief trying to rob. It was really a small time “army” one can say. Jermjia received basic training, but also a lot of endurance and strength training from the local village gym, and the militia training drills. At the age of 16 he recorded his first kill, by murdering a rapist a few meters on the outskirts. When the Soviet Army called for young recruits, Jermjia heeded the call. He left with one of his brothers (The youngest one was only 10 at this time). They took the train to the local town and enrolled, before they were on a train to train in the forces. Training for Jermjia was normal, from his time as a militia member it served him well. Gun drills was an problem early on, but he got better and better. Jermjia focused more on light machine guns and SMGS. He for the first few months served in a local outpost and barracks. Armed with his DP MG, and having a Sub Machine Gun nearby, it was often easy picking for him The Deployment in the outpost introduced him to various people, but also it allowed him to get a sense of this fascist threat. Jermjia wasn’t really a fan of politics. He hated the local banter at the tavern in his village for who would be mayor. But when he managed to learn of it, it increased his will for fighting and in turn, he requested another transfer. He was introduced to the 16th rifle Division Role: Support Expertise: - Giving recovery fire - Carrying heavy loads - Surviving long exchanges (Gunfight wise) - Defending an Objective Weaponry: DP Machinegun PPSh-41 Nagant M1895 [/hider]