“Oh, come on now! You can’t just challenge me to a meme war and then not follow up on it!” GM shouted back, almost sounding disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to engage in the type of fight that he wanted. But then, a tsunami of milk came crashing down, and GM’s face was full of confusion for a brief moment before he stepped to the side, dodging Callum himself at least before simply crouching down and bracing for impact, letting the wave crash over him as GM’s feet remained glued to the ground. After the wave had passed, GM’s eyes blinked open again, and he shook his wet body slightly before turning back towards Callum. “Heh… heheh… MK used Surf.” he chuckled slightly to himself, before licking some of the milk off of one of his paws. “It’s not very effective…” he grinned. “Now then, those questions of yours, let’s see…” he paused to think about what Callum had asked, though the sing-songy tone in his voice made it ambiguous whether or not he planned to answer any of them seriously. “Hmm… how did I bring you here? Man, that’s tough to explain, I wouldn’t expect that a simple mind like yours — one that [i]can’t[/i] see the threads that make up the fabric of the universe — would be able to understand it.” he answered. “Unless… haha, am I from the future?” he echoed. “HAH! Yes, you got me, I’m secretly a Time Lord. I regenerated into a dog.” he laughed, crouching down on his forelegs with his butt and wagging tail in the air in that playful pose that dogs tend to make. Then, Callum’s final question really sank into his mind. “Wait…” his speech slowed, and his playful expression faded. “What do you mean ‘am I real’?” he growled, standing up properly as he glared at Callum. “Why would you think I’m [i]not[/i] real?!” he snapped, racing towards Callum and pinning him down at lightening speeds. “Is this [i]real[/i] enough for you?!” he roared, showing off his sharp canine teeth as he glared down at Callum in anger. —— The bugrat reacted with shock as Gwazi suddenly pushed him away, and it shrieked in pain as the sword dug into its underbelly. At the same time, a shot of flame came from Rae, and the creature tried to cover its face with its wings, which only served to singe and practically melt all the wings on the left side of its body. “What [i]are[/i] you things?!” the creature hissed. They [i]certainly[/i] weren’t mere humans. That much was for sure. Instead of sticking around for an answer, though, the thing decided to retreat, scurrying away, out of their small chamber as it dashed out into the hallway.