[b][centre][u]Alex[/b][/centre][/u] Alex pulled up into another shitty motel in the middle of no where of Kansas. She sighed and unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door of her Chevrolet pick up truck and grabbed her few bags from the trunk along with her weaponry bag. She walked to the receptionist desk and got her room. She settled in and grabbed her purse, heading to a bar not far from the hotel hoping to get a few drinks in her before having to get to work. Alex hopped in her truck and drove to the bar. Walking in, she saw multiple drunks and rolled her eyes. She was never the one for drinking but tonight she was stressed. She ordered herself a strawberry daquri and took her laptop, sitting at a booth, searching up the past unusual deaths in this particular town. She saw signs of a Gin and a Demon, which was unusual. She furrowed her eyebrows and kept researching until she felt someones eyes on the back of her head. [b][centre][u]Castiel[/b][/centre][/u] Castiel walked through the woods to a spot where Dean and Sam told him a Demon was hiding out in eastern Texas. He stalked along quietly to an old abandon barn behind the woods and he knelt behind a bush then looked out carefully and hesitantly, his Angel blade at easy access. He saw the coast was clear and stood, advancing forward until he was up close to the barn. He noticed the door was cracked open and he pushed it open. Castiel held his Angel blade infront of him, ready to attack anything that was in the room (that was evil of course). Luckily, there wasn't anything insight in the room and he somewhat dropped his arm from his defensive position. He walked around the room until he spied a set of stairs and walked up them as he heard faint barking noises which he immediately recognized as a Hell Hound. As he advanced, the barking got louder until he reached a door that was scratched up, splinters of wood poking out from it. He sensed that something or someone was going to attack and he transitioned into his defensive position yet again, his guard up.