The first of the chains to reach him met only the energy of his sword as he knocked it aside with the flat of the blade, and the second suffered a similar fate as it was split in half down its length. It was the third chain that finally managed to obtain a foothold, catching his right wrist and beginning to coil itself up along his arm. Any further chains were of little concern to Arthur as the demon wolf launched the flaming mass from its gaping maw and the lightning warrior drove himself airborne, both with his own muscles and a downward gust that helped divert the flaming ball downwards in addition to providing lift. It struck the ground beneath him and erupted, burning his shoes right off his feet and reducing his pant legs to tatters below the knee. He landed in the resultant layer of water that now covered most of the plateau, steam rising from around his singed feet, and swept his sword through the links of the remaining chain, severing it from the source and presumably forcing the now-spiked coils to dissipate. Blood seeped from several wounds along his arm, but he paid as little attention to them as he did to the burn across his chest. "That was a two million dollar suit." He'd need to have Phillip send more clothes once this was over. Until then, though, he had some misfits to kill. With his feet now resting in the same coating of water that the wolf was standing in, it was a simple matter for Arthur to target the man with an electrical discharge aimed at his heart, a discharge whose sole purpose was to cause immediate and catastrophic cardiac arrest by forcing the heart itself to seize and become unable to function. The discharge would travel from Arthur's feet, through the layer of water covering the plateau, and directly into Gregor's body and toward his heart. It would do all this in less time than it would take to blink, and even should the wolf manage to leap free of the water it would arc several inches through the air before giving up on its quarry entirely.