[hider="Dmitry"][centre]Dmitry "Dima" Budnikov 29, 29 December 1913, Gunner [img=http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3258&d=1236622400] Gender: Male Personality: Brief history: [not a lifestory, but brief. It should be around 2 paragraphs] Role: [is he a rifleman, tanker, assaulter etc. Please no 'sniper' -- those weren't part of squads mostly.] Expertise: -Expert with his LMG and can reload it rather quickly. -Quite good at tossing grenades Weaponry: -TT-30 Pistol -Degtyarev DPM LMG -F1 grenade[/centre][/hider]