I'll detail her appearance as best I can. The picture has her face to the side so I'll go off of the most visually similar appearance I can find. Edyias, or Kailyn is a young woman in her early twenties, and therefor in one of one of the highest physical quality she'll be in her life, much like everyone else. Aesthetically, she's a very beautiful woman. She has a diamond shaped face and long dark black hair which contrasts nicely with her pale skin. She has high cheek bones, and the smaller nose that most find attractive in a woman that separates her eyes at an average distance. She has natural shaped lips that are slightly larger than average, almost unnoticeably so, but enough to be notable. Her hair is long and falls down to just below her shoulder blade, and is styled to have curtained bangs that split at the center. The left side is often tucked behind her ear to obtain greater visibility. Her eyebrows are gradual and blend nicely with the rest of her face. Nature smiled upon her during puberty, it seems. In terms of body type she stands at around five foot, five inches and weighs a total of one hundred and ten or fifteen pounds, coupled with her physical fitness, ranks her as being on the smaller side on the height spectrum due to muscle being heavier than fat. Her legs are slightly longer than average and her hips are slightly wider than the rest of her body, giving her a triangular figure, but one cant really tell this due to her style of hoodies and jeans and other cover-up baggy clothing that disguises her body's true appearance.