-Eien : Kisaragi Academy- As he tore his piece off, he took a look at the scrap he had just procured. He promised himself that this would hopefully work, but he felt like that it wouldn't work. His own desperationtion caused him to not think clearly, and had caused him to mentally believe such a thing as this would link them all together. A single torn piece of paper wasn't a string to hold all of them together, and he felt that performing the charm was futile... But, if it gave the others a sense of hope, why should he be down and or bring them down? He quietly shoved the piece into his student I.d. folder and left it there for safekeeping. As he did this, the floor began to vibrate violently, knocking a few students off balance. Eien almost tumbled backwards, but held his ground be for being smacked to the floor on accident by another student. He grit his teeth in anticipation, wondering when the quake would stop. "(Ok, this day just went from bad to worse! Earthquakes, a friend leaving? Whats next, the floor breaking under us?)" The earthquake finally stopped after a little bit, Eien groaning from the pain of falling onto his ass. He swiftly pushed himself up, and began dusting himself off. He then began to look around the classroom to everyone's state and well-being. Everyone looked unharmed for the most part, although a student fainted. He watched as Naomi tended to Mayuri to see if she was fine, and shook his head when she stepped over Yume to go help her. He quickly walked over and hoisted Yume onto his back, looking at Naomi to check up on how she was doing with Mayuri. He then turned his head to answer Yosuke, who was probably shooken up by the terrible quake. "I'm good, however Yume is out cold, and probably some of us gained bruises... I don't think anything seriously bad happened though... I will have to admit that it was a strange turn of events. Mayuri, Naomi, you two alright?"