[quote=Kyelin] If you read it that way, sure. My argument is that I'd prefer the freedom and self nerf, than have a scenario where some factions are more powerful purely because of the FTL rules.People should counter this thing IC. You can, after all, do almost ANYTHING [/quote] If everyone held to that RP code of honor we would not be here discussing it. Clearly someone, or multiple people, used it in a way that others considered to be "playing to win" rather than what you wish them to do by "self nerfing". It would be great, everything would work out, and nobody would complain if that is how it played out. But it didn't / isn't, this is not a utopia. From there, do you keep pretending everyone is reasonable and purely playing for story? Or do you initiate war of the godmodders by coming up with something even more overpowered to deal with it (which someone will then top)? [quote=ASTA] How does retreating using FTL NOT involve strategy? Do you people honestly believe that a military force can keep up a perpetual offense without having to default to a tactical withdrawal or a defensive drive at some point in the future? [/quote] That is not strategy. That is literally the only thing that can be done. One you have to pick one out of one option, that is not strategy. It becomes zero options if the race does not posses FTL or other guy has "jammers". Is having zero options strategy?