Also, reposting CS. [hider=Sam Jensen] [b]Appearance (Real Life):[/b] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [b]Height:[/b] 5'7" [b]Weight:[/b] 142 lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown (dyed greyish-white) [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue (yellow contacts) [b]Name:[/b] Sam Jensen [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]History:[/b] Sam was an ordinary child that had an ordinary childhood, with two parents, a middle-class family, and a few siblings. However, he was always a bit of a slacker, not seeing any point in exerting more effort than he needed to do the bare minimum, preferring to spend his time playing video games instead. Hence, when he turned thirteen and received the Deep Ground Program, he planned to do only so much as to acquire just enough kills and maintain a slightly positive win/loss ratio to have a moderate future, just as his parents had. But when Sam actually entered the program for the first time, he realized something. The Deep Ground Program was just a video game. And it was fun as hell. The feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment he got from defeating other players was like a drug to Sam, and he wanted more. As the years passed, Sam found himself getting better and better at the game, and having fun the whole way through. He cut through other, lesser players like they were nothing, laughing gleefully as they stumbled into his traps and fell to his ambushes. As his skill grew, he devised more and more ways to take down enemy players, enjoying the rush of victory he got. Then one day, when Sam was fifteen, he found himself at level 9, with a 91% win/loss ratio and a massive number of kills. He'd done it. He was a made man. There was no real reason for him to keep playing. But he still did. Because he loved playing the game. With his future secure, Sam resolved to experience everything the Deep Ground Program had to offer, and so he joined a guild: the Cobalt Bruisers. While the Blue King was initially leery at the thought of accepting a level 9 with no loyalty with him into the guild, Sam's win record and his general slacker attitude in school convinced the Blue King that Gleeful Jackal wasn't a threat to his position. And for six months, he wasn't. Sam served the part of a loyal guild member, taking part in and winning several battles for his guild. But then he wanted to experience more. What would it be like, being a King, commanding other players? And so Gleeful Jackal cut the Blue King down with his Grim Reaper skill, taking his former leader completely by surprise with a sneak attack and becoming the new Blue King. Under Gleeful Jackal's rule, the Cobalt Bruisers adopted a policy similar to their King's personal philosophy, intent on getting as much enjoyment out of Deep Ground Online was possible. They fought to have a good future, but they had fun doing it. Unlike some people who took the Deep Ground Program so seriously, they realized that it was a sandbox for them to play in. A giant, murder-filled sandbox. The Bruisers started to gain a large influx of new recruits thanks to their friendly attitude towards the game and towards newbies, and their ranks swelled until they were on par with some of the stronger guilds. Unfortunately, this philosophy angered the White King of the time, who was offended that the Blue King and his Bruisers took such a flippant attitude towards something that could decide the rest of their life. And so the Ivory Masks declared war on the Cobalt Bruisers. The soldiers of both guilds were evenly matched, but the war was actually decided by their Kings. Gleeful Jackal got a massive kick out of seeing the White King so riled up, and so he decided to piss him off even further. By ganking him once a day with his Grim Reaper skill. The Blue King got inside the White's head, mocking him repeatedly during battles and spamming cheesy bullshit like blind traps and smoke bombs until the White King was so pissed off that he left himself unaware and open during his rage. Sam even took the time to acquire the White King's phone number in real life and have his guild spam insults towards him with text messages and prank calls. Eventually, the White King began to lag behind his fellows in power due to his repeated defeats, leaving him to be overthrown by a player known as White Terror. Out of gratitude towards the Blue King's role in her victory, she called a truce between the Ivory Masks and the Cobalt Bruisers, and to this day, both guilds have a general policy of non-aggression towards each other. [b]Personality:[/b] Sam is a cheerful, fun-loving slacker that hates having to do any real work. Thanks in part to the tactics he used against the previous White King, he began to find pissing people off to be absolutely fucking hilarious. Thus, even though he is a King with the responsibility of leading a guild, he can be a juvenile asshole on his worst days. However, his insults have no real malice to them and he has no real ill-will towards anyone in particular. He is more of a sarcastic prankster or class clown than anything else, just trying to derive amusement and fun from everything he does. [b]Appearance (Avatar):[/b] [img=] [b]Avatar Class:[/b] Assassin - Shinobi [b]Avatar Title:[/b] Gleeful Jackal - Blue King [b]Avatar Level (Initial):[/b] 9 [b]Avatar Guild:[/b] Cobalt Bruisers [b]Avatar Abilities:[/b] [b]Perks:[/b] (4) [i]Vicious Strikes[/i] Melee damage increased by 20% (5) [i]Grim Stride:[/i] Support skill that doubles your movement and attack speed. Lasts 10 seconds, with a two-minute cooldown. (6) [i]Assassin Stride:[/i] Enables you to move about all nimble-like. Like a parkour master...or...y' assassin. (7) [i]Engineer:[/i] Enables the Assassin to create remote-detonated explosives, smoke bombs, and grappling hooks. These items can be used by any class, but only Assassins can craft them. (8) [i]Swift Slayer:[/i] Ground movement speed increased by 50%. (9) [i]Grim Reaper:[/i] Melee skill that instantly kills an enemy. Cannot be used on a target that is already in combat, Dissolutions, or on somebody who sees you. 1-day cooldown. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Deadly Venom:[/i] Passive skill. User inflicts a stack of deadly venom each time they strike a target. Venom deals damage over time and slows an enemy. The effects of the venom increase as more stacks are applied. [i]Muffling Blade:[/i] Hurls a single knife that silences on impact for two seconds, preventing any skills from being cast during that period and interrupting any skills currently being used. Also dispels all buffs on the target. Has a two-minute cooldown. [i]Knife Nut:[/i] Passive skill. Increases all damage done by knives by 40%. [i]Shadowrun:[/i] Instantly disappears and reappears anywhere in a ten foot radius. Has a five-second cooldown. [i]Bullet Time:[/i] Increases the user's reflexes and speed by 100% for ten seconds. Has a three-minute cooldown. [i]Ticking Death:[/i] The user targets an enemy, and all damage done to that enemy from all sources is increased by 20% for twenty seconds. At the end of the twenty seconds, the mark explodes, dealing damage to the enemy. [i]Taser Knife:[/i] Hurls a stun knife at the target that delivers an electric shock on impact, stunning the victim for two seconds. One-minute cooldown. [i]Whispering Phantom:[/i] Summons a phantom that possesses all of the user's physical statistics and passive abilities. The user can only give basic commands such as attack, bodyguard, and retreat to the phantom, and all combat maneuvers are handled by the AI. Lasts for three minutes. Has a thirty minute cooldown. [i]Ougi: Rending Dance:[/i] The Blue King's trump card. He becomes able to manipulate the shape of his knife blades, able to make them take any shape, length, or width he wants as long as the mass of the knife stays the same, and his attack damage, attack speed, and movement speed increase by 300% for one minute. These effects also apply to the Blue King's Whispering Shadow skill. He also gains access to a finishing slash that fires a long-ranged shockwave with an execute effect, dealing more damage the more health the target is missing. Twelve hour cooldown. [b]Other:[/b] Theme song: [youtube]ebGQk-zdh78[/youtube] Sam's favorite color is orange. [/hider]