[Fourth Post] Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2) Katherine listened to the plans of agriculture and work unions with a vague curiosity. Matters of agriculture were an admitted failing on her part, but topics raised of decreased work hours, unionization and centralization were ringing alarm bells in her mind regarding the kind of men sitting on this council and their ultimate agendas. Yet she could already tell she would be standing alone if she raised serious objections at this early junction of the council against three of her fellow councilors with obvious socialist agendas. So she would have to take a different tack to bring sense to the vapid idealists appointed to council positions. That, and this Workers League idea did have some merit to tie up laborers in agriculture and grunt work, away from fields of industry that needed more "sensitive" types of labor that was her business to provide for. "Fine words mister Pentaphraxis, and an apt summation of the core problems of the agricultural sector and our general workforce." Meaning the non-biosynth workforce in her views. "Although while I raise my voice in support of a plan to give the masses productive work for the good of Dahken, I must also question how to avoid opportunism and wastage in such a vast social system you intend to set up. Yes we need labor and crops alike, but we need order as well to keep workers who we will be entrusting the maintenance of vital infrastructure and resources to. As you state yourself, we will likely be recruiting from the most potentially violent demographics of our populace for such a workforce, and will practically be putting meals into their mouths our of our reserves and treasury until the new fields become productive and the workers trained. It would be prudent to take measures to ensure we obtain a....return on our investment. Mandatory ID tagging and creation of a central database of workers tied into this Worker's League program would be a good start towards identifying problem workers and abusers of the system. A reward system of competition between work groups to strive for more meals of meat or script for the pleasure districts would also make for a good carrot for the commoners to encourage productivity. And should the working citizens refuse to recognize the full value of what is being offered to them....well we need to get around to rebuilding our military anyway, so why not start with the military police corps? Surely these are sensible policies to follow up upon in conjunction with such a grand social endeavor to guarantee the stability of Dahken as well as its growth?"