Name: Bast Draven Age: 25 Gender: Female Race: Nekomusume Commonly referred to as “Neko’s”, this race evolved from a common ancestor which resembled a large cat, and grew in a similar way to humans. They tend to be more agile and have better hearing and night vision than humans do, along with in built weapons, but as a result they saw little need to develop their weaponry technology further, and thus when they clashed with humanity over land, most were wiped out. There still exists some small tribes, mainly based around the type of cat they resemble, however most remaining have tried to adapt to a more human way of life. The race is generally looked down upon as being less intelligent and more primal by many other species, and as such those that are living in a human setting often find themselves working as servants or slaves. Appearance/Clothing: Bast is tall for a Nekomusume, standing just under 5 feet, with a mane of unkempt black hair, with several small plaits throughout. She is covered from head to toe in soft fur, which is patterned similarly to a snow leopard, and has two cat like ears, the left which is pierced with a single ring, and a long tail. Her body shape is fairly lean, with wide hips and powerful legs. Her hands and feet are clawed, and all her teeth are sharp canines. Completing the normal features for her race are short whiskers and a cat like nose. She has light green eyes which are slanted and have slit pupils. In terms of clothing, she tends to keep it simple, opting for an emerald green tunic covered by a dusky brown leather vest. Under this she sports tight brown pants which were cut off at her knees. A study leather belt sits over her hips, to which a side quiver is attached, along with a small pouch for holding other items. On Bast’s arms are an interesting pair of leather gloves, as the right glove ends at her wrist and is reinforced on the inner arm, like a bracer. The right pair is longer, ending close to her fingertips, and is padded along her fingers, serving the purpose of a finger tab. She also carries with her a plain black hooded cloak, which she uses to hide her features when necessary. Weapons/Belongings: Bast’s main weapon is a small but powerful recurve composite bow. It is rather plain and unadorned, mainly practical rather than aesthetically pleasing. She has a large variety of arrows which she carries to be used for different purposes, with most of them being footed. For close combat situations she carries two plain daggers, which also double as utility knives, as they are more effective than her claws are. Personality: Bast can come across as being fairly wild and fiery, often lacking self control in regards to her emotions and curiosity. As such, she can be fairly easy to read, a fact which she finds quite irritating. Her curiosity knows little bounds, and is especially geared towards human inventions – she loves finding what makes them tick. However she is aware that this fascination is looked down upon by her tribe, as many of these are what caused her race to become so rare, and will try to keep it hidden as much as possible around those who could disapprove, although this doesn't always work. Like most Neko’s, she has been conditioned to be fearful and wary of the human race, and as she will treat them with a certain amount of caution. However, as Bast is fairly optimistic, she quickly will find herself trusting humans if she has to spend a decent amount of time with them, as she tends to think that people couldn't possibly want to harm others in any meaningful way. This trait also lends her an inner strength, as she truly believes that she can find the treasure within Bauchan forest, and the tower. However this belief in herself and her abilities can often show through, making her come across as being rather smug and prideful. She isn’t one to ask for help due to her prideful nature, believing that whatever the situation she gets herself into, it should be her responsibility to get herself out. Despite this, she desperately clings to her optimism, and the belief that she can and will get the treasure, otherwise the reality of the situation she's in will sink in, and she'll freak out thinking that she'll never see her family again. History: Bast was born and raised in a small tribe of snow leopard Nekos up in the mountains of the country Waaivera, which was far away from where most humans traveled. As such, she grew up in isolation, being rather ignorant about the ways of the world outside of her tribe. However, she knew the tales of humans that the elders told of their insatiable bloodlust, and their strange machinery which were far more effective than claws or fangs. While she did come to fear them, Bast also grew increasingly curious about the weapons that they used. She kept this curiosity repressed until one day when she was 15, during a solo hunting expedition, she found herself having wandered towards the bottom of the mountain, where she found a small village. Despite the elder’s warnings about humans, she got close enough to the village that she ran into a farmer, whose mountain goat had climbed up some rocks where he couldn't reach, and was refusing to come down. The farmer, knowing of the agility of Nekos, offered to give Bast a bow and arrow if she could get the goat back, which she did. He then showed her how to use it, before Bast left back to her tribe. Using the bow, she became the best hunter in the tribe, although she never revealed to the others how she hunted, out of fear of the elders taking the bow away from her. This continued for several years, until one day a young Neko saw her hunting with the bow, and informed the elders. When she returned, the elders yelled at her, one of them breaking the bow. In anger, Bast fled from the tribe in order to calm herself down. Upon returning however, she found that a group of human slavers had caught wind of her tribe’s existence, and had captured the tribe in order to sell them for profit. Bast followed them in the hopes of setting her tribe free, however she never gained the opportunity to do so, and could only watch as they were sold. From there, she wandered the country, preforming odd jobs to make herself a living, and eventually purchasing a new bow in order to hunt and sell game. However, one day she heard about what had occurred in Pomria, and the kind of treasures that could be found in the tower, and reasoned that if she found the treasure, she could probably buy her tribe back from their owners, and so she made her way there. Other: Bast cannot read or write.