His egg started to hatch. He had not expected this. Once the dragon was free Pete watched it grow at a rather disquieting pace. The dragon grew scales as red as blood and seemed to be rather large as the egg had suggested it would be. Pete just stared at his new dragon in awe. Pete again was brought to his knees by the voice. Who ever this Avalon fellow was he was powerful. So whatever was going on it was big. Very big. Bigger than the group. However they all seemed to be here for a reason only these dragons knew. That did not help him feel any better however. These dragons were not very friendly or they felt off to Pete. Like the other shoe was about to drop. Pete was not as tough when the thing for lack of a better term killed one of the dragons. Pete should have turned and ran for his life but stayed since the others were staying. "What... What the hell was thing!" Pete said thinking it was a part of his brain showing itself.